Chapter 13

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Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade in to the Reds (except Thea) in one Warthog being chased by another

Chairman: Our laws are not designed to outline every possible infraction that may take place! However the spirit of the law is clear. Blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of our citizens, in any form, will always be a punishable offense, regardless of how well, or by whom that offense has been justified.

The Reds are in the lead car, being fired upon

Simmons: Here they come!

Sarge: Simmons, what're you waitin' for? Shoot 'em!

Simmons: I can't! The stupid gun is jammed!

Sarge: Step on it, Grif.

Grif: Yeah, no shit!

Sarge: Whose idea was it to steal a jeep from these guys anyway?

Cut to Wash, Thea (who was holding her magnum) and the Blues watching

Washington: Nuhh, I knew this plan wouldn't work.

Church: We all knew this plan wouldn't work. None of our plans ever work.

Caboose: That's why we carry guns.

Thea: Thank god I stayed behind.

Shawn: We should've excepted this.

Washington: (Mockingly) "We can get a car, no problem. We're better with vehicles than the Blues, let us handle this." Why did I even listen to them?

Church: I told you not to.

Washington: Yeah, well, I already stopped listening to you three bases ago.

Caboose: Well that's not very-

Washington: And I never started listening to you.

Shawn: Maybe you should've known that this would happen.

Washington: Don't make stop listening to you.

Thea: (In a battle droid voice) The new guys are being cashed by the republic dogs maybe we should let them be because their stupid.

Washington: And certainly don't make me stop listening to you.

Thea: (Snorts and in a battle droid voice) Roger Roger.

Washington: (Sighs)

The chase continues.

Sarge: Force them into the wall!

Grif: On it!

The pursuing car enters the base

Grif: Where'd they go!?

Sarge: Did ya lose 'em?

Grif: Looks like it.

They skid to a stop as the other car works its way through the base.

Sarge: What in Sam Hell? I don't believe it.

Grif: Well Sarge, I guess you owe me an apology. Turns out I'm not such a bad driver after-

The other jeep emerges from the base right in front of them

Grif: ...all.

The other jeep's gunner turns the turret toward them

Grif: Aw come on, what the hell!

The Blues watch the chase resume

Caboose: Aw man. That jeep has a really big gun.

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