Chapter 8

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Director: Dear Chairman.

Fade in to a mechanical factory, where Washington, Thea and the Blues were.

Director: I understand your concern that increased activity would bring increased risk. However, our failsafes are simple but foolproof. A dead or dying agent's beacon automatically notifies our recovery team, and we will be on the scene immediately, to secure all the Military's property.

Washington: Look, there's our cycle. The Meta must be here.

Church: Yeah, because, no one else in the Military would have a standard issue motorcycle. Just like that.

Caboose: Also, the piles of dead bodies might have been a clue.

Shawn: Yeah, That's a big clue.

Thea: Kinda hard to miss.

Washington: Just keep your heads down, and your eyes open. I'm going to advance along that wall. You four take Delta and move up along the other side.

Church: Okay.

Washington: Don't use the radio unless it's absolutely necessary.

Church: Okay.

Washington: And don't make a move until I do.

Church: Okay.

Washington: And no screw ups this time.

Thea: We get it.

Church: Okay, are we gonna sit here on the beach all day, or are we gonna go get this thing?

Washington: We only have one chance at this before it gets back to full power. I can't take any chances that you two are gonna botch this.

Church: Hey! How do you know we'd ruined the mission?

Washington: If I remember correctly Thea and Shawn were the ones that actually helped me.

Church: Whatever.

Washington leaves but Delta appears in front of him.

Delta: Agent Washington, perhaps it would be best if I assisted you in battle rather than helping Thea.

Washington: No.

Delta: Statistically speaking, a Freelancer would be much better trained to use my-

Washington: I said no. Now get going.

Caboose, Thea, Shawn and Church enter the building together, seperate from Washington

Thea: Should I feel offended that you wanted to ditch me?

Delta: I think I can be more of assistance to agent Washington then you Supernova.

Thea: It's fine D.

They started walking to the entrance of the base.

Church: Pst, hey, Delta!

Delta: Yes. How may I be of assistance?

While Church and Delta talk, Church, Thea, Shawn and Caboose move inside the building, up and down stairs, past bodies, etc

Church: Hey, can I ask you a couple questions about this Freelancer program?

Delta: Certainly. I will answer what I am capable of answering.

Church: This Alpha thing, wh- why doesn't Washington want you to tell us about it?

Thea: I'm curious as well.

Delta: I believe Agent Washington is uncomfortable discussing our program in any fashion. He was one of the many failures during the implantation process.

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