Recovory part 4

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Fade in to an A.I. lying on the ground. Cut to Washington, inside an enclosed room.

Counselor: Agent Washington? Agent Washington?

Washington: Sorry, what were you saying?

Counselor: Were you thinking about Epsilon again, Agent Washington?

Washington: No.

Counselor: What happened with Epsilon was not your fault, Agent Washington.

Washington: I didn't think it was.

Counselor: We have safeguards for the unstable emotional patterns of an artificial intelligence. Sometimes these algorithms fail.

Washington: Oh. So then it's your fault.

Counselor: We prefer to think of it as no one's fault.

Washington: Really.

Counselor: Just a possible, but rare, unfortunate outcome.

Washington: How convenient.

Counselor: Are you having new feelings about the incident?

Washington: No. Just the same old feelings. You know, that I had another person in my head, and I got to experience first-hand as their mind unraveled while mixed with my own. That I still have trouble distinguishing between its disintegrating thoughts and mine. You know, the usual.

Counselor: What about the hostility from other agents who lost out on assignments once we suspended the use of implants?

Washington: What about them? Am I supposed to feel bad for them, er something?

Counselor: Do you think you could work with an A.I. or another agent ever again?

Washington: ... No, I don't.

Counselor: Good. Then we have a job for you.

Snap back to the present, with Washington in a firefight

Washington: South! I need you out here now! Get over here right now, South! Where are you!?

Cut to South's point of view, which is hazy and has Delta in the middle of it

Delta: Keep breathing. Hearing my voice internally can be jarring, at first. I am told it helps clear the mind to concentrate on one thing. May I suggest that you try-

South Dakota: Will you please not talk for a second, that might help!

Delta: Technically, I am not talking.

South: Delta. Please!

Delta: My apologies.

South: Okay, I'm feeling better.

Delta: Remember to keep breathing.

South: Yes, I'll keep that in mind. How many enemies?

Delta: I do not detect any on my sensors. But the gunfire would indicate that we are facing only one. This is an atypical enemy. I can offer no advice.

Washington: South, I need you out here now!

South: I'm on my way!

Delta: I have functions that could assist in battle. Would you like me to run the tutorial program?

South: Are you kidding me?

South arrives behind Wash at a building's corner, under fire

South: Wash, I'm here.

Washington: Good, I need help on the left. This guy moves fast, so keep your eyes open. South, you okay?

Delta: She is experiencing difficulty with my presence.

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