Chapter 19

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Chairman: To the Director of Project Freelancer.

Fade in to the electronic storage area for A.I.s

Chairman: I write to inform you, that by the authority of this sub-committee, officers have been dispatched, to place you under arrest, and we expect your full co-operation. Congratulations are in order, I suppose. When they write the new morality protocols for dealing with A.I., I'm certain they will name entire sections of the doctrine after you. It seems that you will earn your place in history after all, dear Director.

Cut to the Meta fighting the Freelancer soldiers and winning. Then cut to the main characters back in the motor pool with the reds in one car while Caboose is in the driver seat, Shawn in the passenger seat and Thea on the turret.

Washington: Alright. Stick to the plan. Just run. Get Epsilon out of here. Turn it over to the authorities the first chance you get.

Thea: You got it.

Simmons: Sarge, shouldn't we help him? He won't stand a chance against that thing.

Sarge: We have our orders, Simmons. We have to think about the mission.

Grif: Finally! An order I wanna follow. "Run away and live."

Thea: That's the only order you will follow.

Sarge: If Agent Wash wants to face him alone, that's his business.

Simmons: Yeah but he doesn't wanna face him alone. It's just that some people won't help him.

Sarge: That's not our business either.

Washington: Just drive. When the E.M.P. goes off-

Caboose: You mean the Emp?

Washington: Stop it. It will destroy Epsilon if you're not far enough away.

Caboose: You got it, Mister Washington.

Church: You guys be safe.

Thea: We'll be fine Church.

Caboose: Your coming back, right Church?

Church: (hesitates) Yeah.........I'll be back buddy.

Simmons: (Sniffs).

Grif: Dude Are you crying?

Simmons: No! I got dust in my eye!

Washington: Take care of yourself, guys. I know that's one thing you're good at.

Thea: Hit the button wash.

Wash hits a button and a large door opens upwards.

Washington: He's gonna be on you as soon as you clear the gate. Be ready to move. Protect the Blues' vehicle at any cost.

Sarge: Protect the Blues, right, yeah. We'll get riiight on that shit.

Thea: I'm in here guys.

Sarge: We'll try not to hit you Thea.

Church: I'll see you guys later. Oh wait! If you guys manage to make it out alive, build me a giant statue.

Thea: (Sighs but with a smile) Let's go guys.

The reds and Blues leave.

Cut to the Meta, victorious, watching the two jeeps drive a bit and stop

Radio sounds

Washington: That's it. Lead the Meta as far away from the base as possible.

An A.I.: It's a trick.

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