Chapter 17

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Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade in to Church, Thea and Wash.

Chairman: It is now clear, that your agency and its primary program "Project Freelancer" have abused the trust and freedoms that the Oversight Sub-committee has provided you. Your abuse of the Alpha A.I. will now become the subject of a criminal investigation. I am sorry, Director, but you have seen the end of my patience.

Church and Wash look at each other silently while Thea was trying not to hit the both of them for being weird. Before we cut to Simmons typing at Terminal 84-C - Administrator Access Only

Sarge: What're you finding out, Simmons?

Simmons: Looks like all the Blue records are here, I just don't have the access to delete them. I'm trying to work around that right now.

Grif: Ooh, try hacking the mainframe.

Simmons: This isn't a mainframe system.

Grif: How 'bout cracking it, would cracking it work?

Simmons: Grif shut up! Stop making suggestions when you have no idea what you're talking about.

Grif: Well, if you want help-

Simmons: I don't want help.

Grif: Maybe you should explain what's going on, and I could make an educated suggestion.

Simmons: Educated? Okay, fine. This computer is a dedicated interface with a highly developed security protocol. The information we are accessing is stored on a separate database with its own dedicated hardware. That system has its own distinct layer of security. From what I can tell, the two systems verify their identities by trading randomly generated two thousand fifty-six bit encryption keys. I'm tryin' to spoof one of those keys right now. So, Grif. I'm all ears. Any suggestions?

Grif: Oh yeah, I've seen that before. You should try uploading a virus to the mainframe.

Simmons: Jesus.

Grif: I find viruses that feature a laughing skull tend to work the best.

Simmons: Shut the hell up and let me work!

Cut back to Church, Thea and Wash

Church: You're a freaking idiot.

Washington: That's not the reaction I expected.

Church: You think I'm a computer program?

Washington: Why is that hard to believe?

Church: Uh, how 'bout 'cause I'm a person! That I have been my whole life? That I have memories from when I was a kid and that I have a kid of my own? And I don't remember being a calculator, dude.

Washington: A.I. are programs based on an actual human mind. You're bound to have some residual memories. They're just not yours. And she's not your daughter.

Church: Oh, you're so full o' shit.

Washington: And after what you've been through its not hard to imagine you wouldn't-

Church: Oh, st- thi- give me a break, dude.

Washington: Okay, fine. I guess you being a spirit makes more sense.

Church: Hell yeah, it does. It's way less geeky, asshole.

Washington: A spirit.

Church: Yeah. That's right.

Washington: A ghost!

Church: Boo, you bastard.

Thea: Church, he's the telling the truth.

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