𝙢𝙢 𝙜𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙯 = ???

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As the child holds hands with Aether letting the traveler guide them to their so-called "brother", "What's your name?" Paimon lowered herself to the kid, "Y/N!" The kid answered with confidence. "I don't remember my last name though..brother always called me N/N ever since I remember which long long long ago!" Paimon and Aether shared a look before arriving at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, "Your big brother should be in here, working." Aether went in the two followed, only to be greeted with Hu Tao scaring Aether, "Boo! Did I scare you, traveler?" Aether was frozen in shock and Paimon, was screaming. 

The poor kid was going deaf little by little, "So! Why are you here traveler? Wanna help me sell coupons? Choose a coffin? Hu tao happily asked, "Uhh no, we're here because...they are-"

"Please don't tell anyone that he and I are siblings! Big brother will be mad!"

"They said they have something important to Zhongli!" Paimon corrected herself, Hu tao sulked silently. "Zhongli is at his office!" Hu tao answered going back to herself, "Well we'll be going then" Paimon pushed the two people into the office. "Traveler? Paimon? What can I help you with?" Zhongli looked up from his desk to the people that came in, "Zhongli! Do you know this kid by an-" "Big brother!" The kid lets go of Aether's hand running to the Geo vision holder instead, "I was searching all over you!" They hugged his legs while whimpering, "Uh- I..." Zhongli was confused, "Right, as Paimon was saying do you know this kid Zhongli?" Paimon continued her sentence, "No I don't..." That stopped the kid from hugging and began crying, Zhongli was panicking not knowing what to do, "There there don't be sad, I'm sure your brother is somewhere in Liyue..." Zhongli tried comforting the child, even trying to use his power to know where the brother is. 

"But- but...This note says it's you! It even has something for me to do uhh.." The child tried to read the sentence, "Though I am gone, For I am forever here as an ar- arch I can't read it!" The kid gave up, "Here's I'll read it" Zhongli offered to help to get the paper from the child. "Ah it seems that I can't read it either, it is another language." Zhongli apologies, "but I believe you can only, so why don't I help you?" The child stopped the tears and nodded. 

"Can you spell it out?" The kid looked at the note again, "A-R-C-H-O-N" they spelled out the word, "Archon." Zhongli said the word, the kid nodded, "Or as a human vessel, please help me guide back to my na- natiioon?" They finally finished reading. 

Zhongli and the two travelers are now confused, "Archon?" Paimon spoke up. "Is there another Archon Zhongli?" Paimon asked, the god shook his head, "Is there anything else in the note?" Zhongli looked at the child again, they nodded opening a pouch and giving a piece of quartz to the male, "In the note, I said I have to make it glow...hmm this is hard!" The kid frowned. 

"We believe in you, you can do it" Zhongli encourages the kid, Paimon nodded along, "Yeah! Paimon believes in you!" The kid nodded and tried to make the quartz glow, and it did. A bright purple covered the quartz giving it to Zhongli. 

"Are you sure Zhongli?" Aether asked the ex-archon, he nodded. "All pieces of evidence are presented, they could be the one," Zhongli told the traveler, "The first thing she showed me was making the quartz glow into purple, it might sounds easy to do but it is a rare chance, I've never seen her people do it only they can make quartz and see things in quartz" He explained folding his arms. 

"What can we do now?" Paimon asked, "Perhaps we can let her meet the other Archons, maybe they can help solve the mystery" Zhongli suggested making the two think about it. "It wouldn't hurt to try right?" Paimon asked, traveler, and Zhongli nodded. "Right I'll tell Hu Tao that I'll be leaving for a couple of weeks, you two should prepare." The two nodded, as they exit the building, a certain ginger was waiting. 

"Mr. Zhongli! Traveler Hi!" Childe waved to the three, "Fatui? What are you doing here! You didn't make any trouble right? We've already had enough on our plate for today!" Paimon crossed her arms, "Trouble? No! I'm trying to find a certain someone" Childe laughed, "Who?" Zhongli asked.

───── ❝ 𝙢𝙢 𝙜𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙯 = ??? ❞ ─────

who? :thinking: 

who? :thinking: 

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