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This week has been fun so far. I can't help but smile whenever I think about the time I've been spending with Adrian. Aunt Jenna likes him and her approval is really important for me because I can feel myself falling for him more and more with each passing day. We've been exploring the town together, he has been showing me hidden gems and sharing stories about our lives. It's amazing how much we have in common, and I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder every time we're together.

School has been a blast too! I've made so many new friends who bring so much joy and laughter into my life. It's incredible how quickly we've all bonded and become such a tight-knit group. I have had inside jokes, study sessions, and even spontaneous adventures after school. It feels like I've found my place here, surrounded by people who truly understand and accept me for who I am.

Being part of the cheer squad has been exhilarating. I've always loved the thrill of performing and bringing the crowd to their feet. From practising intricate routines to mastering impressive stunts, I've been working tirelessly to ensure my performance is flawless. The bond I've formed with the squad is unbreakable, except for Alex. She still hates me and makes sure I know that.

Beyond the excitement of game days, the cheer squad also participates in competitions. They train rigorously, perfecting their routines and pushing themselves to new heights. I can't wait for this season's first game. The competition is gonna be intense, but I thrive under pressure. I love the thrill of showcasing my skills and competing against other talented squads. Win or lose, the experience is always rewarding. Being in the cheer squad has allowed me to grow both as an athlete and as a person, instilling in me a sense of discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.

Adrian and I decided to everything lokey for now and nobody except our families, and Masie knows about us. It's like we have our little world, where we can be ourselves without any interference. It's both exciting and nerve-wracking, but we believe in the strength of our connection. I'm grateful to have such a supportive circle of friends and family who will undoubtedly celebrate our happiness. But I can't help but wonder how things will change once we start telling others.  I guess only time will tell, but for now, I'm content with the beautiful moments we're creating together.


Every time I see Adrian, my heart skips a beat. The way he looks at me with those mesmerizing eyes, the way he makes me laugh with his witty jokes, it all makes me feel like I'm floating on cloud nine. I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine whenever I'm around him. It's like fireworks are going off inside me whenever we have a conversation.

We have deep conversations about our dreams, fears, and everything in between. It's like we've known each other for a lifetime, even though it's only been a short while. Adrian has this incredible ability to make me feel special and appreciated. He listens to me with genuine interest and always knows how to make me smile. Being around him brings out the best version of myself, and I feel incredibly lucky to have him in my life.

Sometimes, I can't help but doubt myself and wonder if I'm good enough for Adrian. I worry whether he sees me the same way I see him. But despite my insecurities, I'm hopeful that our connection will continue to grow.

My feelings around Adrian are a whirlwind of happiness, admiration, and a touch of self-doubt. I cherish every moment we spend together.

Thank you for reading!

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