Starlight and Alters

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In Galaxy 21, where Earth resides, a strange energy soared through the Galaxy, giving life to otherwise inhabitable planets and world's, and as for the ones with livable life, a strange race arose. In the year 1920 this energy pulsed the earth's atmosphere, the humans, unaware of the radiation and energy in the sky, were blind to it, unable to detect it.

Later, the children of the new generation of earth had awoken with viciously powerful radioactive properties. Scientists caught wind of this and they studied the new born babies, labeling them strange, and abnormal. Demanding the babies be executed and thrown away. However. Not all were treated this way. Those who lived, later in life, developed abilities like none have seen or imagined of, flight, strength, teleportation, time travel.

As the world progressed, the "Alter" population grew, taking up 25% of the population in 2021. People like Karl Solar noticed the potential in Alters, seeing some even become wannabe superheroes. Karl is one of the oldest alters, and he has seen how much the world has progressed, so, he made a school to teach alters and those who wanted to do good, how to be superheroes. This school was labeled Starlight in 2017, giving birth to powerful heroes that protect the world!

We are here in September 2nd 2021, where a certain spiky orange haired kid has made it his quest to become the number one hero of Manitoba. Dylan (Dash) McSpeed. Dash has been living in Yuso all of his life, after dropping out of Krinklo Highschool, he set his eyes on moving to Fableville to attend Starlight Highschool. His brother, PJ, is providing him with the money to attend and to live there reasonably well, in the next part, we meet Dash as he packs up his things, and moves into Fableville!

Starlight is going to be written in the points of view of different characters, it will say at the top of the page what point of view it is. Example;

[POV* Dash McSpeed]
*Point of view*

This is to make it easier on me to write and provide the reader with the ideal experice for each character.

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