Welcome to Starlight

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[POV* of Dash McSpeed]
*Point of View*

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! I quickly get up and spin kick my alarm, breaking upon impact with the wall. "Uh oh- WAIT SCHOOL!" I quickly put on my uniform and brush my teeth. I rapidly get everything ready with my hair, making it cover one of my eyes and spike it up with gel. I have to do this about 3 times before I am satisfied with the look of my head. "Finally jeez" I say as I walk to the kitchen. "Eh, I don't need to eat, breakfast is for the weak!" I shout to myself. Wait yeah i have stuff to do before i go to school, i should go early to get it done. My eyes glow an orange light and I get to running! Luckily for me it is just straight ahead!

Running over cracks, by cars, past some people, and being a blur to the eye of man I reach the school gates. The school looks intimidating, but not as intimidating as the 2 men standing in front of me, they are huge! They are both wearing long black hair wigs, black suits, sunglasses,  the whole mafia outfit. "State your name and purpose." One of them says, I struggle to start my sentence. "Well, I'm here to go to school" I say, they both shake their heads. "I have not seen you before-" he cuts himself off, both of these guys' moods completely switched and they stepped aside. Revealing a mid 60-70 old man, he looks really good for his age, but still has white hair. I am, right now, very confused.

"Who are you?" I ask really confused and lost at what is happening. "Why of course you know me Dash." The old man says, I look at him blankly, him losing confidence in less than a second. "I didn't know oldies went to this school-" I say, getting cut off by him. "AHEM! My name is Karl Solar, come on in. I'll show you my office." Oh. That's Karl Solar? I thought he was going to be some buff superhero like figure who made alters recognized by the public? But he's just… old? Kinda cringe. "Are you coming or not, McSpeed?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry." I follow Karl into the school. He takes a right turn and enters his office.

It is a really nice looking room, blue walls with white and black trimming. A black wooden dear sits on one side which Karl sits behind. The desk, jestering me to sit down, which I do. "So, first of all, welcome to Starlight. You're going to be our first transfer student, our second one is coming next week so congratulations on getting first." Karl says, don't know why I'm being congratulated, but I won't complain. "So what's the deal with this place? Pyro said that it wasn't that enjoyable." I said, pretty fair question. Karl responds. "Pyro hasn't been having the best time no, he keeps trying to defeat Hydro and failing miserably."
"Who's hydro?"
"The strongest male in the school, but not the most powerful here."
"And that matters how?"
"Well…" Karl stops to think for a second.

"There is a certain level of authority you get by being in the top 3, you basically do whatever you want with no drawbacks." Karl says. I look a bit deadfaced. "That seems a bit unfair." I say.
"It is, but it pushes students to challenge whenever they can, and get ready for attacks" he says. I shake my head. "Wait so fights ain't got you in trouble, no matter what your rank is?" I ask, and he nods. "Correct." He said. Oh damn, what the hell am I getting myself into?

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