Stats of Starlight

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In the Starlight Highschool the people joining the school are evaluated before they join to find out their stats and overall average, telling what their rank they have in the school, their rank is determined by their stat average. Remember that stats can change and some can lower, or raise.

Here are the stats;


The physical power, and power of ability of the student. Also goes for arm speed and jumping power. People with high ATK usually have low speed and are really heavy.


The physical and ability resistance. The higher the defence you have, the harder your body can be, making this a really powerful stat. Get a high enough DEF and you can get a Heavy Armour trait. Being able to walk through weak attacks. Someone with high DEF usually has low attack and high endurance.


How fast you can move (and how fast your ability can activate, in some situations.) Speed is a very hard thing to calculate regarding abilities, so only some abilities get recorded with it. May it be fire, teleportation, or superspeed. People with high SPE usually have low weight and defence, but high endurance.


A person's ability to resist damage and how much stamina someone has, also the faster you get fatigued the lower this stat will be. This tied directly into DEF, END is mandatory for people with any stat combo but especially for DEF. Those with high END usually have reasonably good stats, and spec into defence.


Mastery over one's ability. The higher this stats the more skilled, and powerful one's ability is. Some passive abilities like sight or maybe a body related ability, ignore mastery in the stat total. Poeple with high mastery are very skilled in most ways with their ability.

Every stat is recorded in the Starlight Highschool out of 10, someone who has heavy armour from high defence, should have a defence stat that exceeds the out of 10 graph. Someone with a Defence this high will be shown as soemthing liek this;


^ if they have a 14 in defence, this is how it would work.

Occasionally between chapters, or when a new character is introduced, there will be their Stat sheet, ability, and a general sum up of their personality.

Anyway! Continue reading!

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