trespassers beware! w. lucius rustichel

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tw almost death

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tw almost death

🗓 ⌜  mundane monday  ⌟  ┈─❟

"Get her!"

Who would have thought that she would try to run away from death and a bunch of soldiers because of a war? Definitely not (Y/n).

She was measly hiding in her own home before a bunch of royal soldiers barged in. Demanding the said royal to come out.

The woman doesn't know what they wanted from her, but she knows they won't get it. If it's her house or the money, then fine, they can have it. But if it's her life? Then they have to fight for it.

Which might be a stupid decision she has ever made, but she didn't want to die just yet.

Survival of the fittest after all.

Now here she was running away to who knows where. Praying that the servants back home would be safe from harm. They had helped her escape from all of this anyways. It would be a shame if something would've happened to them.

I won't forgive myself if that were to happen. (Y/n) thinks before stopping to catch her breath. Looking back, she doesn't see any more guards chasing after her. Did I lose them?

She looks back, squinting her eyes to see if she really did lose the guards, not noticing a gate opening beside her and a familiar shade of blue eyes looking at her in surprise.

"Lady (Y/n)." Said woman yelps in fright, immediately turning to face the source of her scare. She blinks. "Lus! You're here!"

Lus looks at her sternly before his face morphs into concern when she saw the scars on her feet and the eye bags on her eyes. "Come inside. If you're suddenly here, someone must be chasing you." He says, walking up towards her before helping her up.

(Y/n) flails around, shaking her head in denial. "No no no! It's fine really." She breathes out before sighing in defeat at the unbothered face of the man.

"I mean, I guess I'm being chased by the royal guards."

With that, Lus immediately stood straight, his senses on high alert before he carries the woman in bridal style, ignoring the way she tried to excuse herself from his grasp.

(Y/n) immediately shuts her mouth when Lus had glared at her, opting to just relax in his arms while admiring his face.

It's been so long since I had seen you. She thinks, looking up at him with a smile. You've grown so much.


A young girl by the age of 10 huffs, tired from all the running she did just to get some freedom in her strict household. She sighs, looking up just to see another big household.

Her eyes twitched. I think I ran too far. This isn't the plaza at all!

Her eyes look around the place. I think I'm in the garden. She thinks, watching in fascination at the big field. I'm also a nobel but my garden isn't this big at all!

With her being busy looking at her surroundings, she hadn't noticed a boy looking at her in surprise and suspicion.

I didn't know we have guests today. The boy thinks, walking up towards the girl with cautious steps, his wooden sword in hand. This must be one of Lippe's friends surely.

"Excuse me."

(Y/n) yelps in shock, immediately backing away to give her and the boy some space, a very big space. She looks at him, scared out of her wits, examining him up and down.

It's a Rustichel! She screams in anguish. Out of all the places, it has to be a Rustichel! She cries internally. Well, it's better than the Castillo's.

"I-I'm so sorry for intruding! I got lost!" She rambles, feeling herself spiral to a ball of anxiousness. I got lost to the point that I trespassed another noble's home! She slaps herself for her stupidity.

Lus sweatdrops, not knowing what to say. "A-are you okay, miss?"

That seems to snap herself from her shock as the girl furiously nods. "Yes yes! I'm fine! I just need to, ummm, get out?" She states it more like a question, flinching to herself.

The boy looks at her for a moment before a suspicious glare sets on his face. "So you aren't a friend of Calliope's?"

(Y/n) freeze in shock before her fear got the best of her. Doing the best decision she had thought of ever yet.

She ran.

Of course, she had ran. The boy had a wooden sword for God's sake! He was also stronger than her. She's praying for a death wish if she stayed any longer.

Escaping really is a bad idea!


Nonetheless, he still catched up to me and interrogated me for the whole day. The woman sweatdrop at the thought of a glaring Lus hovering over her small cowering figure. I was scared to death!

"What are you thinking about?" (Y/n) looks down, seeing Lus looking up at her after checking her feet if there were any wounds.

The woman shakes her head. "I just thought about our first meeting." She says before huffing at him. "You really scared me back then."

Lus rolled his eyes, feigning an annoyed look but the soft smile he sent to her said otherwise. "Well, I wasn't the one trespassing."

"I got lost okay?!"

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