my lovely husband w. yohan seo

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tw manipulation, forced hypnosis

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tw manipulation, forced hypnosis

🗓 ⌜  mundane monday  ⌟  ┈─❟

"Excuse me."

(E/c) eyes blink up in confusion, looking up she sees a slim white-haired and blue-eyed girl and a redheaded man. The blue-eyed one is seemingly nervous to even look at her as the red one seems to look at her with cautious eyes. Are they here for someone? She thinks, standing up to face both of them. It's been years since someone has visited this part of the mountain.

"Yes? Is there anything you need?"

The white-haired girl looks at her for a moment as if scrutinizing her appearance before she gulps. "A-are you (Y/n) (L/n)?"

The said girl blinks in surprise. "Eh? Do I know you?" She blurts out before covering her mouth in shock and fear that both of them may be offended. "I'm sorry! That sounded quite rude."

"No! No! It's fine..." The other girl took a deep breath. "My name is Hayan Park and this guy," the redhead smiles, "is Detective Euntae Hwang." She then looks back at the girl, looking at them blankly. "... Don't you remember me?" (Y/n) flinches at the question before a throb came through to her head. She clenches her teeth in pain, sucking in a breath.

Hayan panics. "H-hey! Are you okay?" She asks, placing a hand at her back. Euntae looks at her in worry, scanning the girl up and down. There seems to be something wrong here.

(Y/n) shakes her head. "Yes. I'm fine. I'm having these kinds of headaches when I try to remember things." She explains, standing up properly to look at them. "I'm sorry if I don't remember you, Hayan..." The girl sympathizes before a cheery smile escapes her mouth. "But I'll try to! It seems we were close to the point that you remember me!"

Ever the optimist. She never did change. Hayan smiles sheepishly at her.

Euntae nudges her, making the vampire remember what they had come here for. Another person to find also. "Hey (Y/n)-"

"What do you want with another man's wife?"


The trio flinched in surprise as a small old woman and a scary chihuahua comes between the three. Both of them looking quite scary to the three.

"Wife? (Y/n) has a husband?"

The said girl flinches before her head throbs again, unconsciously nodding at the question, her eyes dimming slightly. "Yes. I do have a husband."

The old lady growls. "Are you trying to steal a man's wife?"

"S-steal? No, not at all..." Hayan tries to calm down the situation but automatically fails.

"Listen, the both of them are very happy together so I hope you don't go crashing on their happy marriage, you hear me?!"

"Grrrrr. Woof woof!"

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