reincarnated soul w. lee bogum

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🗓 ⌜ mundane monday ⌟ ┈─❟

"Hana?" (Y/n) quietly whispers to the sleeping teacher at her designated desk, concerned as seeing her slightly baggy eyes and pale skin.

Did something happen? She questions herself before looking up at Jin, who has the same predicament as Hana. Even Mr. Jin seems to be the same as her. Something must have happened.

She nods to herself before walking towards the male teacher, opting to ask him rather than to bother her sleeping best friend. Plus, it has been a long time since she and Jin talked after all.

But alas, an obstacle had to block her way from her mission. As always.

What was it? A human well - err... Spirit.

Their name? Lee Bogum.

The happy-go-lucky teacher smiles brightly at (Y/n), sparkles suddenly surrounding him as he looks down at her. "Hello, Ms. (L/n)!" He chirps brightly, his happy persona shining away.

(Y/n) blinks for a moment before giving an awry smile at the abrupt greeting. "Uh... Hello, Mr. Lee. Good afternoon." She greets, trying to be polite. She then steps to the side, not wanting to talk to him right now. Her focus was on Hana and Jin.

It seems like Bogum had seen this as he gains a tickmark, his lips quirking into a little forced smile now but he didn't make it obvious. "Is something wrong, Ms. (L/n)? You seemed concerned about something."

Now (Y/n) seems to hesitate for a moment. Should she tell him? He's friends with Jin, after all, he would know, right? He wouldn't rat her out that she's prying on someone's business right?! Hana would lecture her about it again.

Seeing her hesitation, he follows her gaze seeing it landing on Jin before his gaze then turns to a sleeping Hana. Bogum's eyebrows furrowed as his eyes darken a little. "Oh."

(Y/n) looks up at the murmur. Her eyes widen at the dark look his face has contorted to. It was the first time seeing the bubbly Bogum having a face like this after all. She felt her face flushed a little at it.

Bogum then snaps out of his thoughts before smiling brightly again, tugging her out of the faculty. "Maybe we should get drinks for the both of them?" He questions cheerily as he tugs a dazed (Y/n) out of the room.

(Y/n) could only nod, a small blush forming on her face. This feels weird... In a good way. She looks at Bogum's back before immediately looking away noticing she could be caught staring.

Bogum looks back seeing (Y/n) looking away from his back as he still drags her to the cafeteria. The mountain spirit smiles genuinely for the first time before looking back at the front, his shoulders feel light.

It's nice to see Choyoung again.

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