meowtastic! w. yoo chunyoung ft. the gang

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🗓 ⌜  mundane monday  ⌟  ┈─❟

"Come down from there, (Y/n)!" Yeoryeong shouts, panicked as soon as she saw the little cat girl up on the cabinet. Dan-I holding out a cat toy to lure her down.

The little girl just hissed at them.

Jiho sweatdrops at the sight. "Well, this isn't an everyday thing at all." He mumbles. Ju-In nods before going to help the two girls, immediately dodging the shoebox that was thrown at him.


Eunhyeong chuckles nervously, his slightly darkened olive green eyes scanning warily at the sight. "It was a surprise. Chunyoung immediately called once he had entered (Y/n)'s apartment."

The said male nods. "Once I entered the apartment, a small girl with cat ears and tail pounced at me for a hug." He explains. "She was fluffy and warm, identical to (Y/n)."

Jiho rolls his eyes. "Well, she is (Y/n)."

Dan-I yelps as another box was thrown at her. "Where do all these boxes come from?!" She shouts before she turns to glare at the blue-eyed boy. "Oi! Yoo Chunyoung!"

Yeoryeong then also turns to face the boy. "Help us get your girlfriend! How did she even go up there?!"

Ju-In and the others just sweatdrop at the aura that they were giving. They shivered.

Chunyoung then immediately walks up to the cabinet, his infamous blank face on, hands outstretched. The others had watched with anticipation before they sighed in relief as (Y/n) immediately jumps in his arms, her small body hugging his.

(Y/n) purrs in delight as he pats her head, scratching that one good spot on her ear. "Chu-chu!"

Dan-I and Yeoryeong placed a hand over their heart as they look away from the cuteness. So cute...!

Jiho rubs his temple before asking the question that all of them were dying to ask.

"So how did this happen?"









"I don't know." Chunyoung shrugs.

All of them deadpanned at their friend, the girl turned child cat in his arms now playing with the collar of his shirt.

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"As I told you, she's been like this when I had entered her apartment." He sighs, looking down at his girlfriend. Doe eyes met with his own, he slightly blushed. He's not gonna lie, she was pretty cute as a child. No wonder everyone is wrapped around her finger.

"Maybe she had drunk or eaten something that made her like that," Ju-In suggested. The others thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"Let's walk around her apartment. Say something immediately when you guys find something suspicious." Eunhyeong says, opening the door to walk to the living room. "Chunyoung, you take care of (Y/n)."

Then they walked out, leaving both of them in her room alone.

(Y/n) blinks before looking up at Chunyoung again, her ears twitching and her tail swaying side-by-side. Both of them had a stare-off for a moment before Chunyoung hugged the child.

So soft. He thinks, rubbing his cheeks on her soft hair. (Y/n) purrs happily again.

This wouldn't be so bad right?


It's been an hour since their search, and their leads were practically non-existent. Nothing looked out of place, everything was clean as if nothing was used - they had an idea that she was now like this once she had woken up.

"No leads?" Dan-I questions the others once they had entered (Y/n)'s room again.


All of them sighed, pretty much tired from their hunt.

Chunyoung blankly looks at them as (Y/n) played with his phone, tapping here and there.

"Had you tried to ask her?" Eunhyeong gestured to the jittery girl on his friend's lap. Chunyoung shakes his head. He had tried but all he got was babbles and a soft slap on the cheek.

Even when she was a kid, she's still feisty.

Jiho looks at them with blank eyes. "Maybe she would be like this forever." Yeoryeong gasps in horror at that. "No! I won't allow that even if she's that cute!!"

The white-haired boy deadpans. "Are you dating her?"

"Shut up."

"But aren't you afraid?" Ju-In butts in, looking at Chunyoung. "You know, when (Y/n) won't turn back to well... her normal teen form, we would bring her back to her parents." He explains, feeling a sense of dread. All of them kept quiet, a sense of realization dawning unto his words.

He was right. She's now a child, a cat or Neko child at that. If she stays like this, she would either be taken back to her parents or the scientists.

Thinking of that made Chunyoung's stomach churn in fear.

He won't get to see her again if that's the case.

"You guys didn't see anything suspicious?" Chunyoung tries again, wanting them to say yes, even though they would say-


He sighs before looking down at the kid on his lap, her cat ears still twitching and tail swaying like nothing would go wrong. The boy smiles slightly before kissing her forehead.


A puff of (color) smoke then appears. The group of friends coughs out, fanning away the smoke with their eyes closed.

And 'lo behold, a naked (Y/n).

Chunyoung immediately stands up, covering her with a blanket as he pushed his friends out of the room.

Well, at least she's back to normal.

For the most part.

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