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Author's note
3rd Life Flower Husbands have my entire heart. Luckily, I have several hearts: they keep getting stolen by you guys :P

And broken by others apparently :<! I'm still crying over the Flower Husbands. Anyone who isn't is in denial (or didn't get as attached-). Thus, I present this.

Enjoy ;3!

(Warning for: character death and injury. People aren't doing so hot).


They came into the world with barely any recollection of what happened.

Yet a book on a pedestal had explained the rules- the world called itself '3rd Life', and apparently, it was one of Grian's creation. Funny how you forget little details like that.

Scott was among those conflicted about this entire event: the idea of only having three lives to survive upon, which could be lost at anytime by anything (and anyone), reminded him of hardcore worlds, worlds that he'd played in previously.

So he wasn't sure why, when the same principles were used in this '3rd Life', he felt such a deep feeling of dread. As if losing lives was something to be avoided at all costs, even though this was just a fun event. That was all this was, right?

Regardless, he didn't like it. Feeling uneasy about everyone he saw didn't help either; these were his friends, and he wanted to trust them. Even those he didn't know as well.

Feeling it at the back of his mind as he gathered early resources, occasionally running into the odd player, irked him. Given the subtle changes the others displayed whenever he came across them, he could guess it was a shared feeling.

Scott rolls his eyes mentally. He wasn't that scary.

Was there anyone that he could trust to be the same, however?

Then, the sounds of another player alerted him to another being in the vicinity. The fear rises again and he hesitates to shove it away: the stranger sounds like they're beneath an overhanging, possibly mining, so Scott peeks over the edge to try and identify them.

Almost instantly, the tension in his chest melts away, a smile quirking his lips.

"Hi Jimmy!"

Jimmy jolts in surprise, and the look on his face makes Scott laugh for the first time since they entered the server.


'One month in, the clock keeps ticking,
Being here alone has really got me thinking.
What if Earth just got tired of spinning?
And this is only the beginning.'


As the sun began to sink, Jimmy waited for Scott to return. Scott knows this because it's how he found Jimmy, who beamed to see him safe, despite any deaths that may have befallen him showing up on their communicators.

When he brought this up with his husband, he'd been met with a furrowed brow.

"But... What if I'm not there to protect you?"

Jimmy knows full-well that Scott can look after himself and had no intention of suggesting otherwise.

No, his words were a reiteration of the promise he'd made when they decided they would stick together in this strange event: the promise that Jimmy would give up his life for Scott in a heartbeat, without fuss.

It had only been a month since 3rd Life began. Scott should shake his head at such recklessness, the fear stemming from the event's beginning not having diminished over the days. It was foolish to throw away one's life for someone else when even a single death meant so much.

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