A Short Timebreak

510 13 31

Author's note
... Can't wrITE COHERENT-
AC wasn't doing much in particular, though walking around Ninja senpai's server was certainly quite nice. Perhaps she could even check in with the Scar and Cub from this world... Yeah, she'd do that!

So off to find them she went, skipping along the way! From a short conversation with Xisuma, she knew where she was headed... Though she couldn't quite see her dads yet.

"... Scar? Cub? Y-You guys here?" AC called, wandering about in confusion. The surrounding area was rather quiet and peaceful... Until the floor disappeared beneath her.

"AHHHHhhhh... W... Wait what...? Shouldn't... Shouldn't cartoon logic have kicked in yet...?"

"Not in this case." A familiar voice spoke. AC turned around, noting the slightly stranger expression on her senpai's face. Maybe it was a new situation on the server? A good story, or idea, per chance?

"... Why's that, Ninja senpai-"

"TAG!" The dragon hybrid shouted, before jumping back at once. The piece of paper she hurriedly passed was picked up by the shorter girl, who felt her mood change as read it.

Then the sound of two screams filled her ears, one angry and one fearful, as Scar chased Ninja senpai away. AC jumped, muttering about her dad's very apparent disliking of the author.

"No kidding on that one..." Cub quipped behind her. AC was about to turn around and walk to him, before freezing and remembering the dare.

"... Please... Neither ask, nor stop me, dad... I know what I'm... Doing?"

Needless to say, Cub was far too confused to stop the girl from walking backwards anyway.
"... What is she doing...?"

"... Ok then-"

"Hey? You ok?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine..." AC replied, for the umpteenth time today.

This wasn't even the worst part: she already had an excellent sense of balance in daily activities, so tripping over random slabs and objects became even more common. Heck, she wasn't even sure if half of Ninja senpai's hermits even knew who she was yet...

In other words, this was gre-

"Wait, watch out-!"



... AC did not remember ITrade having quartz slabs surrounding it. She also didn't recall how hard quartz slabs were.

"OW!" The girl winced, rubbing the place she'd somehow hit head against a pillar. It felt like some sort of substance had just painfully sloshed from the inside of her face. Hard.


Biting back more painful noises, she slowly got up and (much more cautiously this time) started edging backwards again. This sight was enough to befuddle a certain new hybrid senpai of hers.

"... Hey, AC, are you ok?" They said, hesitantly coming closer to where the younger girl had stopped. A sort of nod-shake was given as a response, though AC immediately hugged her senpai afterwards.

"Y... Yeah... I'm ok... Especially now, senpai! I'm free! And I really must find out where Ninja senpai and Scar got to, oh no...!" She squeaked, running off at once.

The person she had hugged was confused through shrugged it off quite easily.

But she would understand much better later, once she found the note stuck on her back.
"... You've been tagged, sorry senpai! But this has been passed to me from Ninja senpai, and chu just so happened to be here, sooo... I dare chu to dress up your Iskall and Mumbo, in the maid dresses I've drawn before... Jevin has a cat potion. I've made sure of it~!" She read, laughing as she understood what had happened.

(Author's note: Picture found in Child Hermits: Potion Peril and Pitfall ;3!)

"... AC... You're bad..." Aqua senpai muttered, walking off in search of her brother and his best friend.
Author's note
Hey! Here's some background info on this awesome Timeline Tag, not created by me! XX

This works like hot potato, I think... Just write a chapter starting from your initial tag, do your dare and tag another author! If chu need some more information, why not read the original idea from the original senpai?

Please refer to 'https://www.wattpad.com/764099437-random-stuff-and-some-drawings-if-i-get-to-post' (and Ninja senpai's tag chapter) if chu need to, and...

Good luck, Aqua senpai : D!!!


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