A (not) Jealous Swede and Brit

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Ooooo things are going down already...


-silent squealing-

So, Ren and Mumbo hang out for a day for reasons I can't currently say or it'll spoil the plot. Iskall and Grian find out. First told with Iskall and Grian, before getting explained with Mumbo and Ren.

Oh yeah, this is before either of them confess by the way- I'm having it so that everything I write usually happens in one world, one after the other unless said otherwise. Y'all chill with dat?

Also False and Ren friendship is AMAZIN- the flirt and the fighter. Wait... Does that mean together they are... ThE lAdYkIlLeR?!-

Never mind-

Lettuce commence... Uce.
Mumbo and Grian were both hanging out in Mumbo's base, simply laughing around. Just before, Poultry Man had decided to egg the moustache man once again and Grian was currently helping him clean up.

"Yeah, I completely underst- augh!"

Mumbo was cut off by slipping on the cracked remarks of another egg, and falling to the floor. Grian sniggered and Mumbo soon joined in.

"Silly spoon. Here-" The strawberry blond held his hand out to his fallen comrade, pulling him to his feet. "-Up you... Get..."

He didn't expect Mumbo be pulled quite so close. Grian had almost face-planted the taller male's upper chest. As he stared up into Mumbo's eyes, it was clear to see that neither had expected the sudden loss of personal space. Mumbo coughed awkwardly before stepping away, scratching the nape of his neck... And... Almost whacking Grian in the face with his elbow.

Both were reduced to giggles again.

Until... BEEP!

Mumbo's communicator-phone-screen thingy (should we call it a C.P.S.T... yeah, we will. Beeps for messages, rings for calls, clicks for server-wide announcements)

Mumbo's C.P.S.T sounded, signalling he had a message. He pulled it out from his suit pocket, reading the message quickly with a confused look on his face.

"Um... I'm sorry cut this hang-out off short, Grian, but apparently I've got to go... You can leave if you want, I'll finish cleaning up a bit later..." Mumbo muttered, attempting to fly off without any rockets. Grian held back a laugh from confusion.

"Fff... Ok then. But, just out of interest, who are you going to meet? Iskall?"

"No, actually, False has just called me to come over to Ren's place. And..." Another beep. "Ren's just said 'yes, really definitely need to see your face."

(Author's note: Ok, to anyone who don't understand this part, Ren's being sarcastic, but Mumbo doesn't read the message like Ren's being sarcastic. So Grian thinks Ren's being serious. Oh no.)

Grian's grin fell a few millimetres. Mumbo noticed. "Um... Are you... Ok with this?"

Fidgeting with his own elytra, Grian simply nodded. "Oh. By the way. You need rockets to take off Mumbo." The grin was back, but seemed more strained.

"Oh for goodness-I'm such a spoon... Thanks Grian. See you." Mumbo face-palmed, before actually flying off.

Grian was about to immediately text Iskall once he thought Mumbo was far away enough, but as he opened up their chat, it seemed that Iskall had already beaten him to it.

"Come to False's place, but don't let her see you. I'll be behind it. I think you'll want to be here... What good timing, Iskall..."
At the same time as all of the above events happened, on the other side of the server, Ren and Iskall had been hanging out in a similar fashion at Ren'a base. This time, they were only sorting out Ren's terrible storage after a new mining session though.

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