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Yes I've tagged the hermits with their nicknames (except X, because just tagging 'X' looks strange), Pixlriffs and Zloy because I can.

Hm. It seems I have fallen into the depths of Hermitcraft and Grumbo. Whoops. I guess watching Hermitcraft Recap and reading more Hermitcraft (mostly Grumbo) fanfiction will be alright for now.

Lol I know hardly anything about any of the Hermits help I-


Also I drew my first HC thing.

-Draws HC fan art-
-Decides to draw Architechs-
-Is astounded by @RaeTheStar 's absolutely amazing art style and decides to try doing it (THIS IS HER ART STYLE NOT MINE I AM JUST VERY OML AT IT AND I HAVE LIKE NO ART STYLE OF MY OWN SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME)-
-... Immediately makes fan art dedicated to the amazing height difference between the three Architechs-

 Immediately makes fan art dedicated to the amazing height difference between the three Architechs-

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In case I butchered Rae's style so badly that you can't tell who's who... Left to right, Iskall, Mumbo and Grian. Aka. The-Mayor-Swede-in-Shorts, AFK/Lag King and Not-the-Man-in-the-Chicken-Costume.

wHy Is ThIs PhOtO qUaLiTy So BaD-Just enjoy Iskall's smug as face, along with Mumbo being amusedly pitiful and Grian trying to not look at either of their faces

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wHy Is ThIs PhOtO qUaLiTy So BaD-
Just enjoy Iskall's smug as face, along with Mumbo being amusedly pitiful and Grian trying to not look at either of their faces. Mostly Iskall's.




Yes, I headcannon Iskall to be like only an inch or two taller than Mumbo, and Mumbo in turn being like a head taller than Grian.

Mumbo occasionally makes a short joke here and there if, say, Grian's struggling to reach something but will be mostly mature and helpful about it. And then there's Iskall.)

Relationship (G, I, M- in Architech order)
I'm a Grumbo shipper. Not even gonna cover that up, but these are Architech headcannons, not Grumbo ones.
Grian is the babi- um... Most creative; he's the main one with the plans and pranks, which is also why he's mostly the one who needs help the most. Best flier of the three (and arguably the entire server), however, does not help with all of the child-of-the-server and short jokes, but don't worry: he's got not one, but TWO boys to protect the child- I MEAN... Grown adult man.

With Iskall, they'll be pranking the entire server with traps, silly graffiti builds and bumbonis galore. Considering that these two are the people who share a base with one of the main three villain- no, 'heroes' and singlehandedly started a Civil War... Yeah, it's not that surprising, is it. Heck, even Poultry Man chips in occasionally. Mumbo is usually the target for all of this, along with anyone else who's been a bit down in the dumps/ quiet/ stressed out lately (not Convex though- that's only for special occasions).

With Mumbo, he's a bit more sensible and they'll work on the bigger Architech projects the most, with Iskall helping whoever just so happens to be alone. It's a sight to behold, and one of the firmest relationships in the server, perhaps rivalling Cub and Scar. Grian, like Scar, usually finds himself getting into all sorts of trouble when trying to impress a stressed out Mumbo though. Luckily for him, the latter always does, and will, be impressed. Poultry Man seemed to have taken a liking to the moustache man too... The server wonders regularly if Grian and Poultry Man will ever clash over this.
The PvP legend of the trio, Iskall's like the judge almost of whatever the Architechs get up too. Not that he doesn't help out, but when he's not following the next crazy plan of one Grian, he'll be criticising both Grian and Mumbo's work. In a good way. His laugh is incredibly infectious. Being both the tallest and oldest of the three, Iskall is almost like a big brother (or a brOTHER-IN-LAW-) to both other hermits. He's also a pretty neat matchmaker, but a not-as-good wingman.

With Grian, he's the right-hand-man in whatever stupid, crazy and hilariously over the top schemes Grian has come up with. Epic buildings based on sketches that Grian took five minutes to do? YES. Random pranks that may or may not kill either of them more times than the actual victim? YES. Making sure both of them finally get with their cru- yeah no. At least... Not yet... Being like the big brother of Grian is hard work.

With Mumbo, things get toned down a smidge- all stupidity and jokes will be done to Mumbo and Mumbo only, and will be heightened when Grian decides to wake up. However, with Mumbo is also when he gets the most ideas for redstone creations- they'll bounce ideas back and forth between them and both will find that they've improved/ made something amazingly better. He has played with the idea of thinking of Mumbo as a little brother, but both have a unspoken, mutual understanding that that space is only filled in by Grian. Brother-in-law, on the other hand...
Mumbo is the quietest and calmest of the trio, usually the one to help out when either Iskall or Grian screw up: he is quite protective of both of his friends (anD bOyFrI-). Extremely calculating, but clumsy because he's just the boys' spoon. This means Grian and Iskall definitely need to look after him too; him having anxiety and depression don't extractly help at the worst of times.

Unless he is badbutt (no cuSSING) Mumbo. Then he will kill you if you've hurt either of them.

With Grian, he's most protective and caring because to be fair, Iskall doesn't need it as much. It's like... He willingly lets Grian drag him into anything while giggling/worrying as they go along. Definitely watches as Grian builds stuff, sometimes helps out with pranks as well that Grian wholeheartedly takes all of the blame for. It's also notable that Poultry Man eggs him the most, but eggs him in a way that makes it very, very easy to clean up. It's unknown whether Mumbo knows or not- he's definitely got suspicion.

With Iskall, they both definitely go crazy with redstone, and over each others' projects... Whether that be constructive criticism (or just... Roasting... In the name of Iskall) or secret-happy fanboying. Oh, and protect the babi from anything else. This part is kinda funny- it's mostly Iskall trying to PvP anyone who annoys him/the others and Mumbo trying desperately to stop him, or Badbutt Mumbo coming in and reversing the roles.
I should not be working on this while my other, main story is still not updated. Yeah, I'm going to go write a bit more on that now...

Also to any Hermitcraft writer who accidentally clicked on this monstrosity... H-Hi... I... Really love reading all of your books, but mostly using Google instead of Wattpad (it's a habit...), but... Um... I... Hope we... Can... Maybe... Become... Author friends...?

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