The 12 Days of Christmas

586 18 199

Author's note
I don't care that I'm late. And I'm not repeating everything over and over.

Enjoy some stuff I've seen or heard in my world.


'On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

A huge Christmas tree.'

"... Mumbo...?"

"Yes, Iskall?" Mumbo hummed, waving down at his Swedish friend. Iskall looked more than baffled.

"... How... Did you get that tree... Under this roof?"

"Well, I blew up a part of the roof. Then I put this is. Now I'm decorating it."

... Of course that's what happened.

"... Are you going to help?"

Iskall shook his head, before picking up a length of blue tinsel with a smile.

They didn't notice Grian watching them from the doorway; the more mature of the three men found himself joining in soon after he arrived. Their happiness was infectious, after all.

'On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

Two pretty different brothers.

Xisuma sometimes questioned his brother's sanity. He questioned his own more often.

Said brother was currently adding way-too-much glitter in a way-too-complicated Christmas card for Doc.

His effort was impressive, albeit slightly unnecessary due to Christmas cards only having a use at... Well, Christmas. That's what X thought anyway- no doubt Doc and EX would be quick to correct him, and he couldn't find it in his heart to argue with them.

"Suma! Before I forget, here's your card!" EX cheered, passing a more plain card to Xisuma. "I know you don't like glitter as much, so I didn't add as much... Hope you like it!"

Xisuma sighed, opening the card as EX returned to his 'work'.

It read:

'To the best brother ever,

Merry Christmas :D

I love you!

... Maybe Christmas cards had some use after all...

'On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

Three businesses relaxed.'

Capitalism, Sorta Broke and Stonks.

Also known as Concorp, Sahara and Idea.

Usually, the server saw them as rivals in business, all trying their best to capitalise every shop in the shopping district. Like knife monopoly, but without the knife part.

Yet, at this time of the year, Cub and Mumbo could be seen throwing fake snow/ real snow absolutely everywhere.

BDubs, Iskall and Keralis would be decorating normally, sharing stories about their goofballs- um. Business colleagues.

And the role of tired parents-that-really-care-inside went to Xisuma and Grian, overseeing this entire operation.

Decorating all three businesses took a lot of effort, after all.

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