Family (Part 1.5): Laying the Trail

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SECOND PART OF THE FAMILY ARC TRILOGY! And things are getting spicy! I'm a smol, so I'm gonna act like one, you know? Wiiith a big game! Let's hope it ends well, ay?

Also I'm hiding so many hidden flirty implications here wow. Also puns... Because I felt like it.

Headcannons in this chapter
- Ok, pretty much all of the more observant hermits know about a loss of crushes. It's really not hard to tell. People like the girls, Joe and TFC know pretty much EVERY crush and are watching this play out XX.
- For as much as he brags, Ren's a sub. Also will get flustered if you... Ahem, charm him enough- he's not used to people responding like that!
- Yes, I forgot the fact that Doc wears no undershirt in my last drawings of him. So YEAH Doc wears just a ragged lab coat, with nothing underneath.
- Tango has demon wings, as he's half-demon (technically a demon hybrid?). He usually doesn't use them as much because they're much heavier than elytra, though he'd grow used to them if he tried. They also mean he can't get through normal two-block-high doors,  but he can swim better and fly higher if he used them.
Underneath the weird cloud thing, all of the hermits had congregated in a big huddle. Most we chatting about recent events, with some tension still evident within words.

When X stood purposefully in front of everyone though, silence ensured at once. He almost smiled proudly at his own authority, but didn't for sake of actually managing the server-wide meeting.

"Hello, and thank you all for taking the time to come to this meeting. I'll get straight to the point, there's someone, or something, that has been... Well, messing about and pranking us all for... About a week or so now. It's getting out of hand, and we need to find out who it is and what they want. Does anyone have any ideas already?" X stated, eyes flicking warily between each of the hermits. All of which were mumbling quietly to each other, and not currently trying to kill someone else.

So the meeting was going great!

A few accusations were still being thrown around, but hey! It was better than many, many deaths.

"Who d'you think it is?"

"Not me! I had no idea what was going on..."

"Same here, until I got pranked."

"To be honest, I thought it was you. Until you got pranked."

"I kinda suspected Grian to be honest-"

"It wasn't me! I literally lost my C.P.S.T while most of the last prank was happening, and we've already established that I didn't do the Jingler one either!"

"Who else does really big, elaborate pranks then?"

Everybody came to the exact same conclusion. Looking amongst themselves, it also turned out that the two troublemakers they were thinking of weren't actually present either...

"... I think we all should pay Concorp a little-"


Cub and Scar flew very quickly into the crowd, almost crashing directly into Jevin and Tango. Doc and False immediately took out their trident and sword respectively, holding it to the vexes' throats.


"IT WASN'T US! Seriously! We got pranked by the Jingler, remember?!" Scar stuttered, gesticulating wildly with his hands.

"If it wasn't you two, or any of the other major prankers on this server, then who was-" Ren was cut off by a ball of paper being lobbed at his head. The wolf hybrid growled, and opened it up. "Ok, who-... This just says 'Me. Duh.'... W-Who threw that-"

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