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Jess's POV:

The twins are now 9 months old, and growing so fast. They both have bright blue eyes and fiery red hair just like AJ, Allyssa, Alex and me. We decided to get some ice cream with the kids since it's nice outside here in LA where we live. All the kids chose chocolate, Alex chose strawberry and I chose vanilla bean.

After ice cream, we take the kids to the park. We put the twins in the sandbox and I watch them discover sand for the first time. I look over at AJ and Allyssa playing on the swings with Alex. Allyssa will be starting 4K when school starts back up. She's so excited. AJ will be starting 2nd grade. He really loves Ronnie a lot still. His favorite song is The Drug In Me Is You. Every time Ronnie comes over he asks him to sing it. Allyssa doesn't really know any words to any of the songs to Falling In Reverse has put out, we don't think she understands the meanings quite yet. We're thinking she may have some form of Autism because of the way she acts and she's super shy. She doesn't talk much, either. I can tell she wants to make friends, but it seems a little hard for her.

I see Alex coming over with Allyssa in his arms and she's crying.

"She fell off the swing and scraped her knee. You got any band-aids and medicine in your backpack, babe?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, let me get that while you round up the others." I say, opening the backpack.

I bandage up Allyssa and cuddle her.

I see she fell asleep after I laid her head on my shoulder. Alex gets the other kids rounded up and we head to the car, strapping the kids in, then getting in the front seats ourselves. We get home and lay the kids down for a midday nap.

I go downstairs to the living room where Alex is and sit next to him. I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder.

"What's up?" He asks, looking at me.

"We need to get Allyssa tested for Autism. I looked up symptoms and a lot of them sound like her." I say, looking back at him.

"We can do that one day in the next week. But I'm sure it's by appointment." He says.

"I'll look up a number tomorrow and ask about it." I say.

After a while, the kids wake up and we make them dinner. I cook spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. I put everything on the table and we make the kids' plates. I cut up the meatballs and put them on top.

We eat dinner and then we bathe the kids. We bring them all into AJ's room and I read them a bedtime story. After the story, we put the kids to bed for the night. I lay down Anna and turn the lights off, closing the door after. I walk down the hallway, turning the light off on the way. I walk into our bedroom and shut the door.

I change into pajamas and sit on the bed, picking up the hairbrush and start brushing my long hair. I see Alex come out of the bathroom and sit on the bed. I put the brush away and look at Alex with bedroom eyes.

"What?" He asks.

"Wanna have sex?" I ask.

"Always, babe." He says.

I straddle him and we start making out. He pulls my tank top off and throws it somewhere. I bite his lip and look at him in the eye, smiling as I let his lip go.

"Babe, don't look at me like that, you're so sexy!" He says, throwing his head back.

I tangle my hand in his hair and kiss him hard. He runs his hands up my back and tangles them in my hair. He flips us over and slowly pulls my shorts and underwear off. I yank my tank top off and throw it somewhere. He kisses me slowly while he inserts himself. I moan in his mouth, causing him to moan, as well. He thrusts in and out fast and hard.

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