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Jess's POV:

I'm doing the dishes in the kitchen and I suddenly feel like something is gushing out of me. I look and see blood running down my leg.

"Fuck... ALEX!!!" I scream.

He comes running in and sees the blood on the floor.

"What the hell happened?!" He asks, frantically looking back and forth from me to the floor and back to me again.

"I-I-I... I think I just had a miscarriage..." I say, looking down.

I yank my pants off and see the fetus in my underwear.

I just sit on the floor and bust out into tears.

Alex comes over to me and comforts me. I can tell he's crying, too.

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital. I'll pick you up and put you on top of a blanket in the car. Andy and Juliet took our kids to Disneyland for the day. I'll call our parents." He says, going to get everything ready.

As soon as he gets the blanket set on the seat and grabs my backpack, we head to the hospital, while I hold my underwear with the fetus in it. All I can do is cry, I can't do anything else. He parks and goes in to get some doctors and nurses, and soon enough, we're situated in a room. The take care of the miscarriage mess and after while everything is calm.

Our OB doctor comes to see us as soon as she heard news.

"Hey, I came to see you. I heard you miscarried. I'm so sorry. Sometimes things like this happen for a reason. I hope you get past this." She says, rubbing my shoulder.

"I have a strange request." I say, wiping my tears.

"What is it?" She asks.

"I'd like to keep the baby, but in a fluid filled jar, so we can keep him forever. I know this sounds creepy as fuck, but I don't want to part with him." I say.

I look at their faces, Alex looking at me like I've lost my fucking mind, and the doctor looking a bit creeped out.

I pull up an Instagram post on my phone and show them.

"Ohhh now I see what you mean. You want the fetus and placenta placed in formaldehyde to preserve him. We can do that, it'll take a couple days. You need to recover anyways. Again, I'm sorry that this happened to you." She says, going to get the order going for our unborn son.

After a couple days, I get to go home. The doctor said to rest for a week. Before we are able to leave the hospital, we have to go pick up our order. We go to where we were given directions to and we knock on the window.

A blonde woman opens it up and smiles at us.

"How may I help you?" She asks.

"Yes, um, we are the ones who requested our unborn baby be put in formaldehyde so we can keep him forever. Is it ready yet?" I ask.

"Oh, yes, I think it is! I'll be right back." She says, walking away.

We wait about 5 minutes and then she comes back with the jar with a secure lid on it.

"Thank you so much." Alex says, grabbing the jar and looking at it.

"How much do we owe you?" I ask.

"You don't pay me. It'll be on your hospital bill. Look, he's still in the amniotic sac." She says, pointing at the jar.

I look at the jar and see he is still in it. I put my stuff down and take the jar into my hands and look at the baby. I can't believe he's not still inside of me. I put the jar on the counter and just burst out into tears. I feel Alex pat and rub my back to calm me down.

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