To Be With You Forever

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Alex's POV:

I've been having more thoughts about being into guys again. I swear, they never leave my head. I look up some cute guys on my phone and smile at some.

"Hey, babe." Jess says, walking into the living room.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, just wondering about something." She says.

"What?" I ask, turning on the couch.

"Um, I need to talk to you about something in private." She says, noticing her parents are in the room.

"Oh. Okay." I say, getting up and going upstairs with her.

As soon as we get to the bedroom, she shuts the door.

"Sit. We need to have a talk." She says.

"Oooooookay." I say, sitting on the bed.

She breathes in and out once.

"Are you still bisexual?" She asks.

"I-I'm not sure. I still get thoughts in my head and sometimes feel like I need to experience something with a guy just to make sure." I say, folding my hands together and propping my elbows on my knees, all while looking at Jess.

"W-wow. I... I don't know what to say to that. If you do that, it would be like you were cheating... but only if you need to see if you really are bi, I guess you should try something. This is all up to you, babe. I can't tell you how to live your life. But I don't want to lose you." She says, crying at the end.

"Jess, babe, you won't lose me. I just need to do this to make sure I'm in the right headspace. This doesn't mean I'm gonna lose you or you're gonna lose me. I love you with all my heart. I just need to do this, for my sanity. Please trust me with this. I still don't want to tell any of our friends or family. If I realize that I am bi, we will tell them. If it turns out that I'm not, then we don't have to say anything." I say.

"But we still have to live with the fact that you've done shit with someone else! That feeling will haunt me for the rest of my life." She says.

"Jessica Nicole Jacobs. You are not gonna lose me. You will never lose me. I'm not leaving you. Will you please just trust me?" I ask.

She looks at me and sighs.

"You have one time to not fuck up." She says.

"Okay. I love you, Jess. Never forget that." I say.

"Whatever." She says.

A week later...

I found a cute guy on Tinder that is willing to try shit with me. Jess gave me time to figure things out, so I'm gonna fix things.

The guy I found invited me to his house. We already talked about my situation and he full well knows how important Jess is to me.

I get to the destination and walk up to the house. I ring the doorbell and soon a cute guy with blue hair and green eyes opens the door.

"Hey, Bradley, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. Alex?" He asks.

"Yup. Can we just get to it? I don't wanna waste much time." I say.

"Sure." He says, inviting me in.

"I feel like I'm breaking my wife's heart." I say.

"I hope not. She seems like she loves the hell out of you. You never told me why you suddenly have feelings for guys?" He says.

"Well, I had an infection that had to be removed by surgery one time, and at my check up appointment a couple months later, the doctor did a random prostate exam on me. It kind of turned me on." I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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