A Rainbow After The Storm

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Alex's POV:

It's been a few weeks since Jess's miscarriage at 10 weeks and it was literally the day we went to the OBGYN to see the fetus. I can tell it's been hard on her emotionally. All she does is stare at the jar and cry. I feel so bad for her. I don't like seeing her cry.

I come down the stairs and round the corner carrying Allyssa. I see Jess staring at the jar again. I put Allyssa down to play and walk over to Jess. I wrap my arms around her and put my head on her shoulder.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I guess. I miss him. I miss him kicking inside me, I miss him moving around, I miss just being pregnant with him." She says.

"I know. But we're still fertile so we can try again once you're healed up." I say.

"I know, babe. I know." She says, turning to kiss me.

I see AJ come over and hug us.

"I love you, Mommy and Daddy." He says.

"And we love you, AJ. And your sister, too." I say, picking her up after she runs over.

I bring the kids over to the play carpet and read them a story, with Jess following behind.

Several months later...

Jess's POV:

As I'm putting laundry in the dryer, Alex comes up behind me.

He kisses and nuzzles my neck, all while hugging me.

"What's up, babe?" I ask.

"I wanna have sex. Outside in the grass, just to see what it's like. We have really high fences, so why not try it." He says.

"Right now?" I ask, closing the dryer and turning it on.

"Yes. My parents took the kids to the neighborhood pool." He says.

"Well, I guess we can. What the hell, why not?" I say.

I grab a blanket for us to lay on. We go out to the backyard and I lay the blanket out. I grab the wine glasses and the wine itself. I pour some in the glasses and sit with my wonderful husband. We sip, talk, and laugh.

I look at him in his eyes and put the glass down. He puts his down and we lean in. I kiss him softly and he kisses me. I sit on his lap as we kiss. He lays down and I straddle him. We make out and he squeezes my breasts, causing me to moan slightly. He smirks and flips us so he's on top. He undoes my button-up shirt and quickly takes it off of me. He pulls my shorts off and slowly, torturingly slowly, takes my panties off. I struggle to get his pants off, so he does that himself. He takes his boxers off and undoes my bra. He kisses my breasts and fingers me, causing me to moan loudly. He comes back up to my mouth and takes his hand out, replacing it with his dick, thrusting soon after. We kiss as he thrusts hard, in and out at a rapid speed. He pulls out, flips me over so I'm on all fours, and slams back into me full force. He grips my hips and thrusts fast and hard. I can feel his thrusts starting to lose rhythm, which means he's close to cumming. I reach under and play with my clit, causing me to moan loudly and we both cum harshly. We flop down and roll up in the blanket we laid out.

"Babe, that was the best sex we've ever had." I say.

"I fully agree to that." He says, twirling a lock of my hair.

He kisses my forehead and I lean my head on his chest.

I feel a few drops and notice that it's starting to rain.

"Shit, let's go inside." I say, getting up and gathering my clothes, with Alex doing the same.

We run inside as the rain comes down hard and I run upstairs with Alex trailing behind me. I run into our room and lay on the bed. Alex comes in and shuts the door.

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