Home with the baby

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Alex's POV:

A few days later, Jess and AJ get to go home. We get the car seat situated in the backseat of the car and Jess sits in the back with our baby. I drive to the house and park in the driveway when we arrive. I see my mom put blue balloons on the mailbox.

I get out of the car and help Jess out of the back and I carry the car seat. We walk in the house and get surprised by the welcome home party our friends and family have thrown for us.

"Welcome home, Jess. How are you feeling?" Nikki asks.

"I'm feeling good." Jess says.

"Congrats, man!" Kyle says, patting my back.

"Thanks, Kyle." I say, patting his back, as well.

We go into the living room and I set the car seat down on the coffee table.

"Oh my goodness, he's adorable!" Nikki says.

"Here, I'll get him out and you can hold him." Jess says.

She carefully takes the baby into her arms and gently sets him in Nikki's arms.

"What's his name?" Nikki asks.

"Alexander Michael Jacobs, Jr." Jess says.

"Wow. That's amazing." Kyle says.

"Thanks." I say.

After a couple hours, all the guests leave. Me and Jess take AJ upstairs and set him in his crib. He gurgles a little and falls asleep.

Jess plops onto the bed and breathes a sigh of relief.

"I'm so tired." She says.

"How about you take a nap? You deserve it." I say.

"Okay, as long as you lay with me." She says.

"Of course, I will." I say.

We lay next to each other in the bed and she falls asleep in no time.

A few hours passes by and I wake up to hearing AJ crying.

I quietly get up and go over to the crib. I pick him up and lay him on my shoulder to check his diaper. I lay him on the changing table and change his diaper. I take him downstairs and heat up a bottle for him. I feed him and put him in a blue onesie. He falls asleep as I rock him on my shoulder. I have to say, our first day home with the baby and I'm already good at this.

He falls asleep and I lay my son in his crib. I lay back in the bed next to Jess and turn on my tv and turn it down low.

I kiss Jess's forehead really softly and fall asleep next to her.

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