Back to school

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Alex's POV:

"Ready for school, Jess?" I ask.

"No. I don't wanna leave AJ!" She says, starting to tear up.

"Aww, babe. Look, he will be here after we get home from school. Your mom is gonna take care of him all day while my parents are at work, then when we get home, we can take care of him." I say, comforting Jess.

"I know, Alex. I'm well aware. I just don't wanna leave and something happen." She says, starting to cry.

"Jess, babe, nothing is gonna happen to AJ. Look, do you wanna see him midday? During our free period?" I ask.

She looks at me and nods her head up and down softly.

"Come on, let's go talk to your mom downstairs. Give AJ a kiss before we leave." I say, walking over to the crib as I put my backpack down.

I gently pick him up and cradle him. I give his little head a kiss and hand him over to Jess.

Jess's POV:

"Hey, baby boy. Mommy and Daddy love you. We'll see you very soon, we have to go to school. Be good for Grandma." I say and kiss his little forehead and his little cheek.

Alex grabs my backpack and I carry AJ downstairs to my mom. She comes over and takes him from my arms gently and cradles him.

"Have a good day at school, sweetie. I'll come see you in the middle of the day and I'll bring AJ with me." My mom says.

"Okay, Mom. I'm looking forward to it." I say and smile.

I kiss AJ's head once more and head out the door with Alex. We get in the car and head to school.

Once inside the school, we walk to the common area outside the cafeteria and library.

"Get your tickets for prom here!" I hear a student say.

"Alex." I say.

"Hm?" He hums.

I nod my head in the direction of the table.

He smiles a little and we walk over there.

"Hi there! We would like 2 tickets to prom, please!" I say.

"Okay! That'll be $50, please." The student says.

Alex takes out the money and hands it to him.

"I'll need your address so we can send the tickets to your house." He says.

Alex writes down his address and we say thank you. We walk off to find Kyle and Nikki. We walk inside the library and find them sitting over by the manga section.

"Hey, guys." I say quietly.

"Hey." They both say.

"How are you doing so far for your first day away from AJ?" Nikki asks me.

"I'm okay. My mom will be here later to bring him to see us." I say.

"That's good." She says.

"Yeah." I say.

Soon, the bell rings for the first class. We all head to our classes. So far, in the second semester of our senior year, me and Alex have all our classes together. We just got lucky, I guess.

We go through two classes and lunch, then it's our free period.

We're in the study hall classroom and I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I say to the teacher.

I go open the door and see my mom there with AJ.

"Hi, my baby boy!" I say, taking him out of the stroller.

I lay him on my shoulder and bounce him up and down lightly.

"Just so you know, he might be a little hungry." My mom says.

"Did you bring any bottles?" I ask.

"No I forgot it at home, so you'll have to breastfeed him. I'll show you how to." She says, sitting in a desk next to me.

She takes the burping rag out of the diaper bag and opens it up. She lays it over my shoulder, covering my breast area.

I cradle him underneath and pull down my tank top that's underneath my jacket. I feel him latch on and he starts nursing.

"How does it feel?" Alex asks me.

"Weird. Very weird." I say.

"Is that you baby?" A female student asks.

"Yeah, his name is AJ. Alex here is his father and I'm his mother." I say.

"Wow! Yeah, I remember you were pregnant! How was giving birth? My 25 year old sister is having her first baby soon." The girl says.

"It was... an experience. Not fun, but hey, someone's gotta do it." I say with a small chuckle at the end.

After a few more minutes of him nursing, he unlatches from me and I pull my bra back into play and pull my jacket back together.

"He's done?" Alex says, looking up from his textbook.

"Yeah. Mom, you're gonna have to burp him. I have to work on homework for my next class." I say.

"No problem, sweetie." She says.

"Thanks, Mom." I say.

She burps him and he falls asleep.

"Well, I'm sure your next class is starting soon, so I'll see you guys at home. Bye!" She says, taking AJ home.

We go to our next class as the bell rings after she leaves.

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