It's a boy!

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Alex's POV:

I pick up Jess from her classroom and we head to lunch.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Extremely. I've been craving all sorts of stuff." She says.

"Well, let's see what the menu is today." I say as we walk up to it.

We read it and go through the line. She picks out whatever she's hungry for and we go sit at our usual spot.

"Hey, Kyle. Hey, Nikki." I say.

"Hey, Alex! Hey, Jess! How far are you now?" Nikki asks.

"20 weeks. We have an appointment after lunch. I'm happy that Alex got his driver's license. He can start driving me to appointments." Jess says as she horks down her food.

"Chill, Jess. I don't want you to choke." I say, rubbing her back.

She slows down and I start eating my food. After we're both done, we go up to the front office and I sign us out.

"Alex!" Jess says, clenching her legs together.

"Gotta pee?" I ask.

She shakes her head up and down.

"You can use this bathroom here." The lady behind the desk says.

Jess goes to use the bathroom and comes out afterwards.

We head to the car and we buckle up.

I drive to the baby doctor and we walk in. She goes to pee, again, and I sign her in. I sit down and she comes out after a few minutes. She comes over to me and sits down.

"This baby keeps pushing on my bladder." She says.

"Well, I'm sure it will stop soon." I say, rubbing her belly.

"Alex, do you want a boy or girl?" She asks.

"Either is fine with me." I say.

"Same here, Alex." She says.

"I love you, Jess." I say, kissing her temple.

"I love you, too, Alex." She says, laying on my shoulder.

We wait for a bit before the nurse calls us back.

We walk back with her and she weighs Jess. She writes on the clipboard and then takes her blood pressure. She writes on her clipboard again and then takes us back to the room. Jess sits on the bed and I take the chair.

"Dr. Montgomery will be in soon." She says and leaves.

We wait a good few minutes until the doctor comes in.

There's a knock on the door and the doctor walks in.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Montgomery! How are y'all?" She asks.

"We're good. We're ready to find out the sex of the baby." Jess says.

"Well, then, let's get started." She says.

She sits on the round rolling chair and starts up the machine.

Jess pulls up her shirt and the doctor squirts the gel onto her stomach. She grabs the sensor and moves it around.

"Aaaaaaand there's your baby!" She says, turning the monitor.

"Oh my god, Alex!" Jess says.

"I know!" I say.

She moves the sensor around a little bit and stops in the middle.

"Congrats! It's a boy." She says, smiling.

"Oh my god! A boy, Alex!" Jess says, smiling like an idiot.

"I'm so happy, Jess." I say, kissing her cheek.

Jess's POV:

We leave the baby doctor and get in the car. I pull out the ultrasound pictures and just stare at them with a huge smile on my face.

"I'm glad to see you happy, Jess." Alex says.

"I've always wanted a son." I say, crying happy tears.

"Aww, Jess." He says, rubbing my shoulder.

"I want food." I say.

"Already? Okay, what do you want?" He asks.

"McAllister's Deli." I say.

"Okay, babe. We'll go there." He says.

He drives to the restaurant and parks in a spot.

We walk in and stand in line.

"Oh god!" I say, clutching my stomach.

"What's wrong, babe?!" He asks, wrapping his arm around me.

"The baby is kicking the hell out of my bladder. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Get me a BLT with mayo. And a sweet tea." I say, heading to the bathroom.

I walk into a stall and do my business. I finish and wash my hands. I walk out and see he already got our food and is waiting for me at a table.

"Better?" He asks as I sit down.

"Much better. He finally stopped. He must think my bladder is a squeeze toy..." I say as I start eating my sandwich.

We finish at the restaurant and head home. I take a swig of my sweet tea and feel,my belly. I feel him kick my hand softly.

Alex puts his hand there and smiles at me.

He parks in the driveway and we walk up to the front door. He opens the door for me and we walk in. I go up the stairs and into the bedroom. I sit on the bed and scoot back so I'm laying down. Alex comes in and sets our backpacks down. He sits on the bed and lays down next to me. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep next to each other.

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