Welcome to the world, little one!

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Jess's POV:

I'm currently 9 months pregnant and it's SO EXHAUSTING!

I sit down on the couch and rest my feet on Alex's lap.

"You tired, babe?" He asks.

"Yeah. Where are your parents?" I ask.

"They went to work up at the hospital. They have jobs, remember?" He says, laughing a little.

"Oh yeah. What do they do?" I ask.

"My dad is a surgical technician and my mom is a nurse in the ICU." He says.

"Oh. Their jobs must be hard, huh?" I say.

"Yeah, they're pretty busy." He says.

We keep talking for a couple hours until I feel something wet in between my legs. I reach down and then bring my hand up and see it's wet.

"Did I just piss myself or something?" I ask, curious.

"I think your water broke, Jess. I'm gonna take you to the hospital. Let's go." He says, helping me up.

As soon as I stand up, I almost keel over from a contraction.

"Oh shit!" I grab Alex's hand and squeeze as hard as I can to help the contraction pass.

"Breathe through it, Jess." He says, helping me to the car.

I get my belt on and Alex brings my bag out and places it on my lap. He starts the car and backs out of the driveway. He drives out of the neighborhood and heads to the hospital.

We get there and head up to the Labor & Delivery floor. They situate me in a room and Alex rubs my belly.

"He'll be here soon." I say.

"Yeah." He says.

"Call your parents and mine." I say.

"I already called my parents and I'm about to call your parents anyways." He says, grabbing his phone.

While he does that, his parents walk in.

"How are you feeling?" His mom asks.

"I'm okay. Contractions are painful as fuck." I say.

"Yes, they truly are." She says, rubbing my knee.

"Do you need anything?" His dad asks.

"Not at the moment. Alex is calling my parents." I say.

He walks back in and sits next to me.

"They're on their way." He says.

"Good." I say.

We make small talk, I have a few contractions, and then they get here.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" My mom asks.

"I'm okay. Just ready to have the baby." I say.

"We're ready to see our grandson. Have you thought of a name yet?" My dad asks.

"No, we haven't." Alex says.

A few hours later...

My doctor comes in to see how far along I am. She gets a glove on and checks.

"Yep. You're ready to deliver!" She says.

"Thank god!!!" I say.

I'm wheeled to the delivery room and they get me set up.

After a little bit, we're ready. Alex gets some scrubs on and sits next to me.

"I'll be here the whole time, babe." He says, kissing me softly.

"Are you ready up there?" The doctor asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." I say.

"Then we shall begin. Start pushing and then take a break for 10 seconds." She says.

I push as hard as I can and take a break every now and again.

"He's almost here. You're doing great, Jess." Alex says.

I start pushing again and feel something poke its way through.

"There's the head! Keep pushing!" The doctor says.

I push one last time as hard as I possibly can. I feel him slide through with his tiny cries and I lay back against the bed.

"Good job, babe. I knew you could do it." Alex says.

"Thank you for being here, Alex." I say, kissing him softly.

Eventually me and our baby boy are cleaned up and I'm brought back to my room.

A nurse brings my baby in and I get to hold him.

"Hi, baby boy! I'm your mommy." I say.

I hand him over to Alex and smile.

"Hey, my boy. It's daddy." He says.

He hands the baby back to me and I just smile like an idiot.

"What do you want to name him, Jess?" Alex asks.

"I was thinking Alexander Michael Jacobs, Jr." I say.

"I-I love it." He says.

Alex's POV:

I feel my back pocket to make sure the engagement ring is still there. I sigh and pull it out and clasp it in my hand.

"J-Jess?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"I love you. Will you never leave me?" I ask.

"Never. We have a kid now so that's not gonna happen. It was never gonna happen." She says.

"Well then, here goes. Jessica Nicole Howell, will you marry me?" I ask, holding up the ring as I get down on one knee.

"Oh my god. Yes! Yes yes yes!" She says as I put the ring on her finger.

"I love you so very much, Jess." I say as I put my forehead on hers.

"I love you, too, Alex." She says.

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