Hello Ghost-Readers. I seriously hate you. In a nice way. Or in a crazy way.
...Okay maybe a desperate way...
If you don't know what that means, it means somebody who reads a book but doesn't show any sign of life. Like they don't vote or comment at all.
Honestly. What's so bad with commenting and voting? Do you personally like annoying me? Because you're doing a pretty damn good job of it.
Because I am OFFICIALLY annoyed. I have like over 400 chapters that you could comment or vote on...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You don't! YOU JUST LIKE ANNOYING ME.
*takes a deep breath*
But seriously, I'm not the only person who has this problem with ghost-readers.
And then there's those books that have tons of views, comments and votes.
But then there's books like mine, that has a lot of views... BUT LIKE NO COMMENTS AND VOTESSSS.
Like it seriously doesn't add up, man.
If somebody had 1 million views on a book...they should have a LOT of comments and votes...correct?
But then there's only like 300 each.
Which of course is a lot, but it doesn't make sense for the amount of views.
I really don't feel like typing anymore...so hopefully you get the point.
Just vote and comment, it's not hard.
And do it on other books, because it's REALLY annoying and everyone would appreciate it.

Wuz Up In My Mind?
RandomOkay peoples this all the randomness that goes on in my mind. To warrior cats, to Once Upon A Time, to random chiz that goes up in my mind, to my wonderful friends, to anything I feel like talking about! PLEASE ENJOY!! *warning: my brain can not be...