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What I'm afraid of:

Jello, it freaks me out.

Baskets, I never understood them.

The dark, don't make fun of me, I hear the voices every night 0.0

The voices, the reason I'm afraid of the dark 0.0

Large fruits, if I saw somebody in a giant pear costume I would freak out. Just seeing a giant lemon makes me run away.

Cows, I like cheese and milk, but I got chased by like 5 cows when I was 6.

Santa Clause, he is also scary. 'HE SEES YOU WHEN YOU'RE SLEEPING. HE KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE AWAKE. HE KNOWS IF YOU'VE BEEN BAD OR GOOD, SO BE GOOD FOR GOODNESS SAKE' damn that's some messed up chiz right there.

The ocean, it's just so great and powerful, it's like it can swallow all the land on the earth.

Men's underwear, it's just like, ew.

Tampons, I've never used one in my life, I'm more of a pad type gal. I'm always afraid I'll like damage my self or something.

One-legged men. I know like some men lost them in a war or something. But I had a terrible dream about a one-legged man and ever since I was afraid of them.

Schools pizza, you never know what's in it..

Justin Bieber, is he a man? is he a women? WE SHALL NEVER KNOWWWW

Shit-brown pants, I never liked brown pants, they torture me. one time one of my teachers wore brown pants, so I came in the classroom and literally screamed. I was asked to sit outside and calm my self :) I guess I just thought brown pants brought bad luck or something.

The evil eye, I never understood it, you wear an evil eye to protect yourself from it? It scares me 0.0

Fires, I always was afraid of them.

Pirates kidnapping me, I always was afraid that a pirate would park its ship right in front of my house and kidnap me. (even though I live near no body of water) of course if it was Captain Jack Sparrow or Captain Hook (Once Upon A Time), they can gladly steal me XD

Self portraits, if my art teacher says: TODAY WE ARE GOING TO DO SELF PORTRAITS!

I say: write down an F for me.

Baby powder, I always hated the smell. There is like this army hammer deodorant that I was forced to wear, and the thing is, it smells like baby powder, and it's not fun to smell like baby powder in school.

Middle names, I despise them.

Old fashion phones, don't ask why.

Robin Thicke, he fucking follows me around where ever I go!

I have many other fears, just it's hard for me to think of them all at once. I'll continue this list later I guess. THANKS FOR ALL MY READS! I LOVE YOU MY CHILDREN!

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