How to make people scared of you by acting insane (I wrote mostly all of these, any of the others I got from tv shows and movies, and I got some ideas from my friend, idk if he has a Wattpad and I shouldn't say his real name so I can't exactly give him credit, sorry):
1. Randomly swat at the air like there's something invisible you want to shoo away.
2. Hum the ABC's whenever there's a long silence in the room.
3. Randomly start hitting your shoulders and yelling "GET OFF OF ME!"
4. Whenever at a public bathroom, scream when you see your reflection, point at the mirror and yell "THERE'S ANOTHER ME!"
5. Glance quickly at a corner of the room and at someone else multiple times then whisper "you see that rabbit too, right?"
6. Pronounce that your fish drowned.
7. Just start laughing at a random moment and when people stare at you, stop laughing and give them a terrified expression.
8. Start staring at someone and when they look at you, make a really creepy smile and whisper "my farts smell like skittles".
9. When you're walking behind someone, start muttering Harry Potter spells under your breath and then after a few seconds say "DANGIT, IT DIDN'T WORK!"
10. Whenever in a grocery store, stare at someone with a horrified expression then whisper "you're one of them" and then run away, make sure you trip on the flat floor.
11. At a public place, trip and fall on the flat floor and then proceed to pathetically crawl away.
12. Walk normally on a sidewalk (make sure there's people around or cars passing by) and then all of a sudden fall to the ground dramatically and make a very dramatic scene.
13. When you see a couple, slap the guy in the face and say "I THOUGHT I WAS SOMETHING SPECIAL TO YOU!" And when he says something like "idk who you are!" or curses you out just be like "HOW DARE YOU NOT REMEMBER WHO I AM!" and then slap him again and booty walk away.
(Idea, but mostly all of it, from: Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide)14. Just randomly yell a fruit angrily in public like "BLUEBERRIES!" (Idea from the short film: Mustachette)
15. Dress up as Draco Malfoy and go to a crowded area, pretend to trip and fall and yell to the closest person "WAIT UNTIL MY FATHER HEARS ABOUT THIS, YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!" and then pathetically crawl away muttering how you should've traveled by broom.
16. Run out of a hospital or police department yelling "IM FREEEEEE!!!"
17. Make fliers with your face on it saying "lost dog" and tape them to stores.
18. Stare at someone for awhile and when they stare back, form a wide smile and say "Martha Stewart said I'm not going to die". (from 3rd a Rock From The Sun)
19. Whenever someone says something shocking, loudly and dramatically gasp. (Sort of from 3rd Rock From The Sun)
20. Tell people that you barely know that you had so much fun going on a trip with them to Las Vegas, and say little but descriptive details about the (fake) trip. (IDEA from: Friends)
21. Carry around an apple, lean your face downwards, and when you see somebody stare at you stare at them with a creepy glare (with your head still leaned downwards) and say in a creepy whisper "do you want an apple?" Then form a creepy smile.
(Idea from: Sleeping Beauty)22. Whenever someone asks to see your phone, make your voice like golem and say "my precious".
(Idea: Lord of the Rings)23. Lean into someone's personal space when they're sitting in a chair/couch and when they ask you to move, yell in their ear "THERE'S A LION IN YOUR SEAT!" And then shove them off their chair/couch.

Wuz Up In My Mind?
RandomOkay peoples this all the randomness that goes on in my mind. To warrior cats, to Once Upon A Time, to random chiz that goes up in my mind, to my wonderful friends, to anything I feel like talking about! PLEASE ENJOY!! *warning: my brain can not be...