Most terrible moment in life

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You know what's the most terrible moment in life? You know what it is? I'll tell you. It's when you're happily drinking a bottle of water, you put the cap for the bottle on the side, all of a sudden your arm on accident hits the cap, it goes flying right down a sewer. And you barely even STARTED drinking your water! ITS THE MOST TERRIBLE MOMENT! Honestly, this is what happened:

*flash back*

Me: *sitting on curb of a street, brand new bottle of water in hand* ahhhhhhhhh brand new water, just what I need. *opens bottle, sets cap next to me, takes one sip* that's refreshing... *reaches for cap, on accident hits it, and it goes flying into the nearest sewer* AHHHHHH NOOO! MY CAP! MY CAP!! D:<

*exit flashback*

Terrible. Just terrible.

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