'True' and 'Same'

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Okay I have always found people saying 'same' or 'true' all the time, incredibly annoying. Because, you really can't respond, especially with texting. But lately I have acquired a habit of saying 'true' to so many things. Like to literally everything, like this happened yesterday:

Friend: "morning!"

Me: "true."


-Btw before I go any farther, I may start making this book into a rant book, so be prepared, or I might just make an actual rant book, I'm not sure yet...

Okay, but also when other people do it it's also incredibly annoying, and even though I do it (on accident okay), it's still sooo annoying and I know it is when I do it. But then there's those obnoxious people that do it over and over again in one conversation like:

Me: "hey you do know that we are supposed to color that yellow, right?"

Obnoxious person that I'm going to name Alfredo: "oh, true"

*they on accident drop their yellow colored pencil but I'm too far away and they don't pick it up*

Me: "um...you dropped your colored pencil"

Alfredo: "oh, truuue"

Me: *sits in awkward silence because idk what to say next*

Alfredo: *stares at me*

Me: "um um hello...?"

Alfredo: ".......true"

Okay maybe I exaggerated a bit, but you get my point. 'True' shouldn't be used so much ugh.

I'm also developing a habit of saying 'same' all the time, which a lot of people do, but now it's like:

A person: *trips and falls, drops stuff in the middle of the hallway*

Me: "same"

It's getting that bad. I'm saying same for the most random situations like, I could be in strings class and this would happen:

Me: *getting ready to play my violin but waits for the person next to me to play along*

Person next to me, we'll call them Stanley:
*is tuning still*

Me: *waits*

Stanley: *plays their G string*

Me: "same"

Stanley: *gives me a strange look and judges me*


The tears


But I think we have to give it to those people that are so much into the habit of saying that, that when they hear their doorbell ring, they say "same".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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