Okay do you guys know the singer, Robin Thicke? If you don't, you lucky bitch. He follows me everywhere too! I hear him on pandora ALL OF THE TIME. Im seriously serious right now. I'd put in a station for Joshua Bell... and all of a sudden.... I hear... EVERYBODY GET UP! HEY HEY HEY! HEY HEY HEY! GOOD GOD I HATE THAT MAN! I mean his songs are good but like he gets SO ANNOYING. Do you guys even KNOW what Blurred Lines is about? Yeah. I ain't saying it. MAYBE YOU'RE JUST HIGH ROBIN!!! ^_^ ........and it's funny cause my stalker-bird is a robin... and Robin Thicke follows me everywhere! I would be getting dressed, you know, listening to music on pandora, and all of a sudden I hear.. EVERYBODY GET UP! HEY HEY HEY! HEY HEY HEY! .....SHUT UP PHARREL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! THAT'S LIKE THE ONLY THING HE SAYS IN THE ENTIRE SONG!! GAHHHH!!! I mean I like some of Robin's songs... but Blurred Lines is the one I hate. The one that gets stuck in my head during fle. The one I hear in the shower. The one that comes on when I'm getting dressed. If I ever see Robin Thicke, I'll get his autograph, then kick him right where it hurts, then run screaming yelling: THIS IS SPARTA! And what is also TERRIBLE is that when your mom calls him cute. There was some kinda music award thing on tv that my mom saw, and Robin won something for Blurred Lines. And my mom was like: you know, he was quite cute.... and I was like: yeah, uh huh.. (Secretly thinking: WHAT THE HELL MOM) HE FOILS ME AGAIN!!!

Wuz Up In My Mind?
RandomOkay peoples this all the randomness that goes on in my mind. To warrior cats, to Once Upon A Time, to random chiz that goes up in my mind, to my wonderful friends, to anything I feel like talking about! PLEASE ENJOY!! *warning: my brain can not be...