Okay well I have to sadly admit that I completely forgot about one of my BESTEST FRIENDS birthday. (And I know, bestest isn't a word).
I'm not going to say her real name but her Wattpad user is Lavenderstem.Sorry Lavender that I didn't do anything for your birthday! I didn't have that much time to do anything for you over the weekend and I vow that I will make it up to you!
Now random people that are reading this, you are the witnesses! I vow that I will make it up to Lavender; I will make up her birthday!Please follow Lavenderstem and tell her happy birthday >:D!!
YOU'RE A GREAT FRIEND AND I HOPE YOU FORGIVE ME :')!Oh and scroll the thing with the video, there's a Jack Sparrow pic there that I couldn't help but post. ( I love Jack Sparrow and the man who plays him: JOHNNY DEPP..)

Wuz Up In My Mind?
RandomOkay peoples this all the randomness that goes on in my mind. To warrior cats, to Once Upon A Time, to random chiz that goes up in my mind, to my wonderful friends, to anything I feel like talking about! PLEASE ENJOY!! *warning: my brain can not be...