Part 32 - Secrets

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Brielle had dropped Kiara and Pope off at their houses and was now pulling up to the Château. "You stayin' the night again?" JJ asked getting off looking back at the girl.

"Eh, I'll pass." Brielle said finishing tying up the boat to the dock and stepping off. "I'll just walk back to my trailer."

"I can drive you, you know." JJ said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Brielle replied and they both chuckled. "But I'll pass."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." JJ said, then leaned in to kiss her.

"Do not kiss me." Brielle said, and he leaned back.

"Wasn't gonna, anyways." JJ replied, then quickly leaned in and kissed her cheek before running back to the Château. "Did it anyway!"

"You suck, Maybank!" Brielle yelled after him, then turned around and started to walk away.

Time Skip-⚠️Mentions of Suicide⚠️

Brielle was now about to turn the corner leading to her trailer, but instead made a left towards Figure Eight. She walked down street after street until she turned onto Booker St. and walked to the three story grey and brown house, not directly to the front door, but instead she walked around the side and stopped when she saw two figures in a window, quickly realizing it was Haines and his wife, Genevieve.

"Oh, now, what the hell are you two doing?" Brielle mumbled to herself, and then pulled out her phone and began recording.

"Okay, the plan is that Ward will be flying out the gold to Nassau, and we'll fly and meet up with him so we can split the gold." Haines said looking at a paper on the table with Genevieve.

"Then it's over? We would've done it?" Genevieve asked.

"No. Not would've. We did win." Haines replied and then kissed her.

"Son of a Bitch." Brielle whispered then stopped recording and then slowly walked up to the tall tree leading up to Henry's room. She placed one foot after another carefully climbing higher to the window until she reached it and looked through to see a heated conversation between Courtney and Henry.

"I don't understand why she is involved at all! She's not even a Corsaro!" Courtney yelled.

"She's only involved because of her dad!" Henry replied. "He's one of the keys to getting this!"

"Her dad is dead! How is he a goddamn key?!" Courtney asked.

"Nicholas committed suicide when she was 7, okay?! That's what Brielle saw. She saw his body hanging from the kitchen ceiling, but that wasn't the case." Henry said.

"W-what are you talking about?" Courtney said, now not yelling anymore.

"He left something. Something very important." Henry replied.

Brielle frowned and started breathing heavier as the memories from her dad and what happened started rising again. She felt herself clinging harder to the tall tree she was in as she thought longer and longer, making sure not to fall. Her thoughts were broken as the voice of the teen piped up.

"What did he leave behind? Does Brielle know about it?" Courtney asked.

"Just...." Henry said getting frustrated over all the questions. "Just go to bed."

Courtney let out an annoyed sigh. "Just please get her out of our lives."

"Will do, sister." Henry replied, then Courtney left.

Brielle closed her eyes tightly as tears poured out of her eyes, then took a deep breath, and started to climb back down. When she jumped back down she started to walk back to Booker Street and away from Figure Eight. Yes, she usually didn't let herself cry, but she was alone this time, and all those memories had risen to the surface after many years of pushing them down. She forever had that traumatizing memory burned into her mind. She was 7 years old, just getting a snack and when she turned the corner-

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