Part 33 - Airstrip

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"We go in there, guns a-blazin'." JJ said loading his gun as they drove closer to the airstrip. "Make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos, get the hell out of there."

"Steal that shit right down the Intracoastal." John B nodded.

"Wait for weather." Kiara said.

"Exit to Cuba." Pope agreed.

"Hell yeah." Brielle said and did their handshake with Pope.

"Cuba? Nah man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan." JJ replied. "Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money."

"You have a serious obsession with Yucatan." Brielle deadpanned, then looked at the others. "Let's do this shit."

"What's that?" Kiara asked as Brielle pulled out a small case in her bag.

"This...." Brielle said, then opened up the case, to reveal her gun. "Is gonna help us get rich."

"Yes, B!" JJ exclaimed and laughed.

"Let's do this." John B chuckled and started going faster.

"Let's do this!" The others repeated.

Time Skip

They parked in front of a wired gate that was separating the airstrip and the Pogues from each other. They ran out of the car and went up to the gate and looked through. "What's the plan? Broad strokes." Kiara said.

"I don't think we got that far." John B replied.

"Yeah, we definitely did not." Brielle said as they looked through to see people loading up the plane.

"They're loading up the gold." Pope said through the binoculars before John B took them and looked through the lenses.

"There's Ward." John B said as a car approached and came to a stop, then he slowly took off the binoculars and stared in shock.

"What?" Brielle and Kiara asked. "What?"

"It's Sarah." John B said.

"She's with him?" Pope asked.

"No, that can't be." Brielle said. "She wouldn't do that."

"Wait a minute." John B said looking through the lenses. "He's hurting her!"

"What?" Brielle asked.

"What do you mean, he's hurting her?" JJ asked.

"They're fighting." John B replied as Brielle took the binoculars and looked through.

"Holy crap." Brielle said. "He's right."

"Wait, so she-what? I had no..." JJ tailed confused.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Pope exclaimed, making Brielle stop and look at what was going on, and saw John B getting in the van.

"John B, where are you going?!" Kiara asked.

"Hey! Hey!" They all yelled. John B started the engine and started driving towards them.

"John B!" Kiara yelled getting out of the way.

"JJ!" Brielle exclaimed and grabbed his backpack getting him out of the way as he drove through the gate.

"Don't be a hero, dude! John B!" JJ yelled.

"What are you doing?!" Brielle yelled after him.

"John B!" Kiara yelled.

"What are you doing, man?!" JJ yelled.

"Hey!" Pope yelled.

"Holy shit." Brielle said as he drove closer to the plane, JJ holding her close.

The Pogue Queen (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now