Book of Shlatt

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I was trying to read the book and struggling. Why was I such a failure? Why was I struggling?

"To revive someone..." Smajors voice said from behind me. I looked back in surprise.

"Revive? I can revive you guys?" I asked. He shook his head.

"If you can learn to read it. It's very simple. I'll translate what I can. Write the words on the next page in English," he said gently. He sat down next to me and I leaned into him slightly.

By earth and air
By fire and water
So shall you hear my call
Powers of birth and rebirth
Powers of silence and peace
Bring [name] back to life

"By earth and air, by fire and water-" I started to say but 5up covered my mouth.

"No! Scott! We told you it's to dangerous! You know what happened to Da-" he started to say. Smajor cut him off

"But if it can bring us back to life isn't it worth a shot?"

"I'd check with Hafu. You know her feelings on the book," 5up snapped and vanished. Scott sighed in frustration and I gripped him arm.

"What is he talking about? What happened to who?"

"Nothing Steve. Don't attempt anything until later," he said. I wondered why 5up seemed to freaked out.

I finally stood up and stretched out. I hid the book with the tablet and patted my side. The dogs followed me as I started to look around.

Little Foot barked happily as him and the girls sprinted ahead, happy to be stretching out. A soft laugh rang out and I saw it was David.

He scooped Jubbs up from the ground and hugged her tightly. She started to lick his face and he smiled.

"Hey David!" I greeted. He looked over to me and smiled, setting Jubbs on the ground. She yipped at him.

"Hey Steve. Ready to see Cib tomorrow?" He asked me. I nodded eagerly, knowing I could trust my best friend.

"Yeah. I just wanna know what happened to me. What happened to my memories," I said softly. David placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You know, you are so much different from the last time I talked to you. Before this whole mess I mean," he said, a laugh escaping him. I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious as to what he meant. I didn't know we had talked before, but I guess it made sense.

"Just to piss Hafu off, you like to flirt with me. In turn you like to make Dumbdog jealous with it," He said. That didn't surprise me.

"That sounds about right. I really want to understand what happened. And why do you guys know about ghosts?"

"I don't wanna explain it. But it was something a long time ago," he said and turned sharply. I watched him, knowing I hit a sore spot.

That's what they were talking about. David knew what the revival book was. He could explain it to me.

On instinct I grabbed his arm. He turned to face me sharply with a slight glare.

"Steve. Let me go," he said in a warning tone. I knew I need to ask now or never. But I didn't know how he would react

"What's the revival book and what did they use it on?" I asked quickly, the words falling from my lips before I could stop them. David's eyes widened

"That's none of your business and how did you know it existed?" He asked quickly, fear in his body, eyes, and tone.

"I-I-" I stumbled over my words, scared slightly by David. He was obviously tense as hell and I moved away slightly.

"You have it. No. Steve. That book is dangerous. Go get it and give it to me," he demanded. I shook my head stubbornly

"Not unless you tell me what happened!" I said, using what leverage I had. David didn't seem convinced he should tell us

"No! Steve, you don't wanna know. And I sure as hell don't wanna remember. I've blocked those memories out. I've blocked the ghosts out,"

That was it. He could see the ghosts if he wanted to, but he chose not to. He pretended to be clueless

"They used it on you! That's why you don't wanna talk about it. That's why they know about the ghosts. If you want to, you can see them too!"

"God Steve. Just shut up! Ok?! You don't know what I went through. I should've burnt that book," he snapped at me. David seemed really upset at me and I backed up

"They used the book on me," I finally mumbled. He nodded, a sigh escaping him. That's why I could see and hear the ghosts. Because I was supposed to me one of them. That left another question, why revive me?

"I'm sorry for snapping. But be careful if you use that book. Promise me?" He asked. I didn't answer. "Promise me Steven,"

"Ok. I promise. Geez, you act like a father," I say, a small laugh from my mouth. He gave me a weak smile and ran his fingers through his hair.

"And Hafu acts like a mother," he said and walked away. To my surprise Jubbs stayed next to me.

I left and went back to my room. I was already tired but wanted to the out the spell so badly. So why shouldn't I?

"Steve, please don't do it right now. Please. Wait until we can talk with Cib about it," Hafu said gently. I looked to her.

"Why'd it get used on David?" I asked her. She looked at me and sighed.

"You'll remember soon. Just keep that book near you. David might try and destroy it,"

"Why'd they use it on me?" I asked her, she shrugged and watched as I sat down.

"I don't know. We'll find that out soon. For now you look tired," she said gently and pushed me onto my back

"Don't leave me then," I whispered. She laid down next to me

"Alright," she whispered and curled into my arms. I held her tightly despite her being a ghost

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