Far Stretch.

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"No! i'm not going!" Young Josephine said as she walked down the stairs with her brother following behind.
"Come on Joey! give it a chance!" Rick pleaded.
"No. way." She said.
"Come on! it's not that bad of a school!" Rick said.
"No! i'm not going to that stupid school!" She said as she threw the envelope on the table.
"Uhh Jo, You have to meet Jessie at the gas station" Thomas noted as he ate a grape from his bowl.
"Shut up Tommy" Rick said.
"What's going on now?" The three's dad said as he walked into the kitchen wheres they were all bickering.
"Joey got the letter" Rick said as he handed his dad the Scholarship envelope.
"You got the letter?" Tommy asked.
"Yes! i got the letter!" Joey snapped.
"Well i don't know what the fuss is about, you and Tommy are going" Dad said.
"No please-" Joey said.
"No. you guys are going. Get packed, your staying at dorms" Her dad smirked before walking off.
Joey groaned before putting her shoes on and walked outside.
Rick watched his sister do so with a smile on his face knowing that the school year that starts tomorrow is
the start to a crazy year with his younger siblings.

As Josephine walked down the street she could see the local gas station in view. a smile started to form her face knowing soon she gets to rant on about how miserable her life is to her favorite little girl.

"No. this is 5 bucks and i gave you 5 1s." Joey heard Jessica Bell's voice bickering with the clerk.
"Listen kid, i'm not giving you this. it's a beer" The clerk said.
Jessie rolled her eyes until her eyes landed on Josephine.
"JOEY!" She yelled as she ran to Joey, Embracing her in a hug.
"JESSIE!" Joey exclaimed.
"So, how's your life?" Jessie asked.
"Not so good. i have to attend Eden hall starting tomorrow" Joey explained.
"Yikes. but your still gonna check up on me, right?" Jessie asked.
"Of course. your the only person i can really talk to." Joey said.
"Ok, now let's get down to business." Jessie said.
Joey smirked as they walked down the street but nocked into someone by accident.
"Sorry I wasn't looking" Joey apologized
"It's fine. have a good day!" The boy smiled and walked off.
"He's into you." Jessie said.
"What? shut up." Joey laughed as they continued walking down the street.

"When you go to high school and you get a dorm right?" Jessie asked as the two sat in bean bag chairs in their treehouse.
"Yeah, why?" Joey asked as she scanned through movies on their tiny tv that they had Tommy put in.
"we can move our hang out spot there!" Jessie said.
"I don't know, Jes. i'm gonna have a roommate" Joey said.
"well duh, me!" Jessie smiled.
"No. your 10." Joey said.
"Oh well we always have here! it was just an idea!" Jessie said.
Joey put on Mrs. Doubtfire.
"Good pick!" Jessie said as she sat back down with popcorn.

"I should be getting home. my dad needs me to make dinner again" Jessie said as the credits for the movie played.
"Yeah same. Rick's probably gonna want to bombard me with rules for school" Joey rolled her eyes.
the two did their hand shake before leaving the treehouse and patted ways towards their houses.

As Joey walked home she thought how pathetic it is that her only friend other than a few of the Varsity guys and Tommy's friends she really only has Jessie. which isn't bad. Jessie was her best friend and Joey was hers. the two meant at a daycare type place. Joey went there to take care of the kids and it just so happened that Jessie went there. Jessie looks up toJoey . with her straight As and Joey doesn't notice but there's a lot of boys that look her way. even tho the two are 4 years apart in age doesn't mean they don't mean any less than someone that is their age.

"Hey Joey. you excited for tomorrow?" Tommy asked.
"No. i'm actually dreading it." Joey informed.
"Oh well Rick's excited besides the fact that i lost my JV slot to the new JV team" Tommy said
"JV team?" Joey questioned.
"Yeah." Tommy said before walking away.

As Joey laid in bed that night, bags packed, outfit picked out for tomorrow she thought what this year was gonna bring. who knows a boy could even be into her and she'll get her first boyfriend and they'll live happily ever after. maybe she'll get great grades to the point they have to send her to another school because she's just so smart.
"That's a far stretch, Joey" Joey said to herself.

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