Best night ever.

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"Next, Tomato soup" Jessie said as she looked at the grocery list.
Jessie was sitting in the cart as Joey pushed it.
"Check" Joey said as she placed the soup on the cart.
"Next is-"
"oh sorry" Adam said as he turned in the aisle.
"Hey Adam" Joey smiled.
"this is Adam?" Jessie asked as she hopped out of the cart.
"Jessie Bell nice to meet you." Jessie introduced.
"Adam Banks. beards a lot about you." Adam chuckled.
Joey laughed.
"sorry about her" Joey said.
"it's fine. i was thinking i'll pick you up at your dorm around 7" Adam said.
"Sounds good" Joey smiled.
"I'll cya Joey and Jessie" AdM said.
"we could use some help with my dad's groceries" Jessie said.
"Jessie" Joey sternly said.
"I'll help i guess" Adam shrugged.
"Great! next is chips" Jessie said.
Adam and Joey looked at each other before following Jessie.

"You ok?" Joey giggled at the sight of Adam struggling with the bags.
"perfect." Adam smiled.
Joey laughed.
Adam smiled at the sight of the girl's smile and her laughter.
As the three walked into Jessie's small house her dad smiled at Joey.
"Hey Joey!" Jessie's dad, Chet said.
"Hi Chet! how are you feeling?" Joey hugged him.
"Alright. who's this young man?" Chet asked as he smiled at Adam.
"Oh this is Adam Banks. star hockey player on Rick's team!"
Joey smiled.
"It's nice to meet you Mr. Bell" Adam said.
"Please call me Chet. now let's talk about that hockey career of yours." Chet said as him and Adam walked to the living while Joey and Jessie unloaded the groceries.
"Look at that boy, Joey. isnt he just adorable?"
Jessie said as Joey looked at Adam.
"Do you like him?" Joey asked.
"the real question is, do you?" Jessie smirked.
"Maybe." Joey said.
"You found your Danny!" Jessie squealed.
Joey laughed.

Adam watched as Joey laughed.
"Ya know, she's a really great girl" Chet said.
"So i've heard." Adam said.
"She's never had a boyfriend." Chet said.
"Really?" Adam questioned.
"I know shocking. I have a feeling you like her." Chet smirked.
"I don't know. i'm taking her out on a date tonight actually." Adam said.
"Wow. Joey going out with a boy. seems like just yesterday 12 year old her was refusing dating." Chet said as the two looked at her.
"She's quite a girl." Adam smiled.
"Well shes Josephine Riley. she's a different type of girl. a great kind." Chet said.

his words dunked into Adam's mind. she was a great kind of girl. she was his girl.

"Guys i'm not wearing this!" Joey said as she looked in the mirror.
"Oh come on! you look great!" Julie said
"you do! good job Connie!" Jessie said.
"thank you Jessie" Connie smiled.
"Guys i love you but no." Joey said.
"It's a light blue skirt with a plain white button up. what's so bad about it?" Connie asked.
"Everything!" Joey shouted.
then there was a knock at the door.
"too late. seems like your prince charming has arrived!" Jessie smiled as she walked to the door and opened it to reaver a scared Adam Banks.
his mouth dropped at the sight of Josephine.
"Your Cinderella is ready!" Connie said as she took Joey's hand and walked to Adam
"Hey Adam." Joey shyly said.
"you look great" Adam said.
The three best friend's squealed at Adam's words.
"Let's go before they start singing" Joey said as she walked out and closed the door.

"So, tell me about yourself, Josephine" Adam said after they had just finished ordering.
"What do you wanna know?" Joey asked.
"Well...what's your middle name?" Adam asked.
"Marley. after my mom." Joey said.
"And yours?" Joey asked.
"Elliot." Adam said.
"Adam Elliot Banks. interesting." Joey said.
"Leave me alone. it's after my grandfather." Adam said.
"Tell me about your family." Adam said.
Joey's smile dropped at the mention of her "perfect" family.
"I have a twin, Tommy and Rick is obviously my older brother.Mt dad doesn't particularly have an interest in me. he doesn't really care he only cares about my brothers and me not ruining my family's name. and my mom...well my mom died due to giving birth to me. my dad blames me fire it and my mom named me. she practically demanded my name to be Josephine." Joey explained.
"Sorry about your mom." Adam said.
"what about you, Banks?" Joey asked, brushing off Adam's apology.
"Well my mom doesn't really care about my hockey career. my dad is hard on me and thinks i'm just gonna be a hockey super star. and my brother is in college so we rarely talk but he thinks i'm gonna disappoint the family." Adam explained.
"wow. there's a lot I don't know about you Banks." Joey said.
The evening continued and it ended nicely.

"goodnight Banks. and thank you." Joey said.
"No problem, Josephine. i hope to do it again sometime." Adam said.
as Adam walked away and Joey's door half way opened she was pulled back out into the hallway and her lips were smashed against Adam Banks'.
"Goodnight Josephine" He said before walking away.
"Goodnight banks" She mumbled against her smile before walking into the dorm only to let a mush needed squeal to leave her mouth.
She opened her eyes to see no sign of Julie nor Connie, Just a sleeping Jessie laying on Joey's bed.
Joey laid next to the red head.
"I just had the best night ever." Joey whispered to her younger girl that she considered a little sister.

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