Dinner disasters.

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"Joey, do you need to use the bathroom?" Julie asked.
"Uh sure." Joey said as she got up.
the two walked to the bathroom.
"Let's go to the bathroom" Luis said as he grabbed Adam's arm and walked to the men's room.
"What?" Joey asked.
"I wanna know everything about you and Adam" Julie said.
"There's nothing to know!" Joey said.
"Oh please you guys were flirting the whole way over here!" Julie said.
"Fine. he asked me out" Joey said.

"I asked her out, man!" Adam smiled.
"well what did she say?" Luis asked.
"She said yes. we're going out tomorrow night!" Adam said.
"That's great! Your close to getting the girl" Luis said.

"that's great! me and Connie will help you get ready!" Julie said.
"And theres another person i want there" Joey said.
"Of course! it's your date! i'm so excited" Julie squealed.

"ok, can we go know?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, yeah let's go" Luis said.
the two came face to face with the girls.
Joey smiled at Adam and he smiled back.
Luis and Julie looked at each other and smirked.

"so, Joey. do you play any sports?" Charlie asked.
"well i use to play soccer but i got hurt and couldn't play anymore" Joey explained.
"That sucks. i cant imagine my life without hockey" Charlie said.
"yeah. is your coach alright? i've heard he's kinda harsh" Joey said.
"Harsh is an understatement." Charlie said.
Joey nodded in understanding.
Rick got up from his seat and tapped on his glass.
"oh boy" Joey whispered under her breath.
"On behalf of the Eden hall Warrior Varsity state champion hockey team and Joey, I'd like to welcome the future state champs, the Eden hall freshmen." Rick said.
Joey smiled at her brother's kindness.
"here here" Rick smiled.
"Here here!" The everyone cheered as they tossed.
"We're just glad you loaned us Banksie so we'd have a chance to beat you guys in the annual freshmen Varsity showdown"Rick said.
"now, Nobody move, we've got one more surprise" Rick said as Varsity got up.
"Banksie" Rick said then Adam got up.
"You too, Joey" Rick said.
Joey slowly got up and followed the Varsity.
Julie looked at Joey and she just gave an unsure look.

"Where are we going?" Joey asked her brother.
"Back to the dorms. we're leaving these losers" Rick smirked.
"We can't do that! I thought you guys were ok?" Joey said.
"We're not Joey. when you were in the library we figured out how to get revenge. they think it's a annual dinner we do every year. how pathetic, right?" Rick chuckled.

"No! it's mean your mean. i thought you were better than this Rick" Joey said.
"Yeah we shouldn't leave" Adam said.
"You guys worry too much. Adam your on our team now and Joey they will NEVER be your real friends. they probably don't even like you." Rick said before walking away.
Joey was about ready to cry at Rick's words.
"Are you ok?" Adam asked.
"Did you know about this?" Joey asked.
"No. Rick told me the same thing he told them." Adam said.
"why would he say that? i'm supposed to be his sister not his punching bag" Joey said before storming off to the bathroom.
"What's her problem?" Rick asked Adam.
"what you said was really fucked up, Rick" Adam said before walking away.

"What are you still doing here?" Charlie asked as Joey walked back into the dinner.
"I stayed to help you guys pay off the bill. i don't have any money but yeah" Joey looked down.
"Did you know about this? because if you did we don't need your help" Russ said.
"Did you see me standing there with Varsity when they told you? i was at the library and Rick said you guys smoothed things over and was going out" Joey explained.
"Grab an apron" Russ said.
Joey smiled and started helping clean up.
"Joey? Are you here to make things worse?" Julie asked.
"No i'm helping." Joey said.
"So your gonna act like you didn't know about this?" Julie asked.
"that's because i didn't. did you see me standing there with Varsity when they told you?" Joey asked.
"I know you knew." Julie said.
"She didn't know, Julie" Charlie said.
"I thought you hated her?" Julie asked
"She didn't know." Charlie said
"Sorry, Joey" Julie said.
"your fine" Joey smiled.
The two hugged.

"Joey! wait!" She heard someone call.
Joey turned around to see Charlie.
"oh hey Charlie!" Joey smiled.
"Do you have a ride home? my mom can drive you" Charlie said.
"If it's not a problem. Rick or my dad won't answer the phone." Joey said.
"No problem at all." Charlie smiled.
the two got in Mrs. Conway's car.

"Thanks again miss. Conway" Joey said.
"No problem. stay safe!" Casey Conway said.
"Bye Charlie." Joey smiled.
"Bye Joey." He smiled back.
as soon as Joey got to the dorm she crashed.

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