JV vs. Varsity.

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"Josephine we have to leave now if we wanna make it on time!" Her dad yelled as Joey smiled at herself in the mirror.
She took a second to take in all that's been happening this week. today is the JV vs. Varsity and Joey is gonna cheer on her brother and her...whatever Adam is. He hasn't officially asked her to be his girlfriend yet.

"Hello Eden Hall students and parents and welcome to JV vs. Varsity the biggest game of the season. please take your seats and prepare to cheer for your team." The dean said as people continued walking in.
"Hey Joey!" Adam said as he walked up to her.
"Hi Adam!" Joey smiled.
"I need to talk to you after the game but i have to go. wish me luck!" Adam kissed her on the cheek.
"Good luck!" Joey shouted as she watched him run into the locker room.
"Oooo Look who's got a boyfriend" Joey heard from behind her.
"Jessie!" Joey squealed as they hugged.
"How did you even get here?" Joey asked.
"Took a bus." Jesse said.
Joey nodded.
Josh went on and on. Joey wasn't really paying attention and was talking to Jessie.
they all clapped as the ducks came out and started skating in a circle.
the crowd started quaking.
"Did i miss anything?" Tommy asked as he walked over to Joey and Jessie.
"No" Joey said.
"Look! Adams going head to head with Rick!" Jessie pointed out.
"This can't be good." Tommy shook his head.
"Uh oh." Joey said.
When the puck was dropped Rick went right for Adam and not the puck.
"Damn." Tommy said as they watched Adam fall to the ice.
The warriors took a shot but Julie stopped it.
not even 5 minutes in and the ducks were already throwing themselves at the person who had the puck which wasn't really working out.
Now it was Charlie and Rick.
"Rick's gonna kill him!" Tommy said.
"Don't single out Charlie!" Jessie argued.
"Guys please stop fighting." Joey said.
"Yes." Tommy and Jessie said at the same time.
Charlie pushed down Rick.
"Boom! Baby! told ya" Jessie winked.
"why are you always right?" Tommy asked.
Jessie shrugged and went back to watching the game.
Rick pushed Charlie into the wall.
"Take that!" Tommy said.
Finally their was a shot on Varsity but Scooter saved it.
Now Varsity was hitting left and right.
Joey cringed at the sighting of Adam falling pretty hard on his back.
Joey, Jessie and Tommy all started shouting since they were really going for Banks.
Averman got taken off the ice after the hit of a lifetime.
Julie got tripped but redeemed herself by stopping the goal.
this made the three in the stands go crazy.
Guy went down and had to be taken off by the medics.
Charlie took a shot but got beat by the buzzer. half time.

"Rick Riley! Get your butt out here now!" Joey said as she grabbed ahold of his ear while he was walking in the locker room.
"Jeez Joey, Take it easy!" Rick scoffed.
"Not until you take it easy on the ducks! this isn't like you to be playing like this. start playing fair or i'll kick your ass and tell dad your the one who shot that puck through the TV last summer." Joey said as she walked off.

The third period is starting and Dean Portman comes skating out. Joey hasn't meant him but Adam told her all about him and how he's Fulton's best friend and together their the bash bros.
Cole tried to hit Dean but he went flying into the glass.
Joey, Jessie and Tommy all laughed and high fived each other.
"looks like Cole finally got what he was longing for." Joey smirked.
The bash brothers were stopping players left and right.
Luis tried shooting it for saved and he ended up getting knocked down by the boards but got right back up.
Dean got called and went into the penalty box but instead of being mad he took off his shirt and started celebrating.
"Are you sure you want Banks when you can have that?" Jessie asked.
"yeah, i'll stick with Banks." Joey nodded.
Turns out The ducks had to many men on the ice and now have 2 men down.
they called a time out.
"This is nerve racking" Joey said.
"Yeah." Jessie agreed.
Charlie was given back his Captain spot.
Julie got faked and now it's an open net.
As Rick shot Adam Jumped infront of it, stoping the goal.
"Holy shit! your boyfriend just saved a goal!" Jessie said.
"He's not my boyfriend and watch your mouth." Joey said before starting to cheer for Adam.
Charlie took Rick off his feet and won the puck and was on a break away with Goldberg right behind him.
He beat to men and then passes it back to...
"Goldberg?" The three says in unison.
Goldberg shot and scored! the ducks win!
Joey and Tommy hug with Jessie jumping on Tommy's back while they were screaming.
"Julie!" Joey said as she got on the ice and saw Scooter kiss Julie on the cheek.
"don't even say anything." Julie said.
The two laughed as they shared a hug.
"Josephine!" Adam said as he picked her up and spun her around.
"i'm so proud of you!" Joey smiled.
"Since i played great would you be my girlfriend to make me even more happier then i already am?" Adam asked.
"Hm... i'll get back to you on that." Joey joked.
"of course i'll be your girlfriend!" Joey smiled.
Adam kissed her passionately.

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