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"sorry, excuse me, sorry" Joey said as she rushed towards the ice rink.
as her and Tommy made it in and Joey spotted Rick.
"Good luck twin" Tommy saluted.
"Yeah bye" Joey said as she walked away.

"hey Joey!" Rick greeted.
"Mhm i'm still mad at you" Joey said.
"I'm sorry!"'Rick apologized.
"Yeah." Joey said.
"So how's Jessie?" Rick said as he sat down.
"Not good. Mr. Bell is getting sicker and Jessie is really scared of loosing the only thing she has and i don't know what to tell her because we both know he's dying and there's absolutely nothing i can say or do to change that" Joey said.
"Slow down. Jessie is gonna live and Mr. Bell might not and if anything happens to that man we will have Dad adopt her or something or even better she can live with Aunt Crystal! Those two get along great!" Rick said.
"That's not a bad idea" Joey said.
Soon a toe head blonde took a seat in front of Joey but it didn't really strike her attention she kept thinking about what Rick said and Jessie.
"Hello! Joey!" Rick said.
"What? sorry i was thinking" Joey said.
"Well you've been thinking for awhile because it's half way through the game" Scooter said.
"Can i go back to thinking orr?" Joey said.
"No. you have to go get food with the freshie" Rick smiled innocently.
"Beats sitting here stressing over everything that's been going on in my life and Jessie's" Joey said.
"she'll be fine and can you go? i'm hungry" Said Rick.
Joey got up and followed the new face out of the bleachers.

"who are you exactly?" Adam asked.
"Joey. Rick's sister." Joey said.
"Joey?" Adam questioned.
"My real name is Josephine" Joey informed.
"I like that name. it's cute" Adam said.
Joey felt red seek through her cheeks. she put her head down to try to cover it.
"I didn't get yours" Joey said.
"Adam. Adam Banks." Adam said.
"Cute name." Joey mimicked the blonde.
Adam looked at the girl. she looked back with a smirk on her face and a tint of pink in her cheeks.
"You strike me as a rather interesting person, Josephine" Adam said.
"thats intriguing because not a lot of boys like you think that of a girl such as myself" Joey smiled.
"And what am i like?" Adam asked.
"interesting." Joey replied before starting to order food.

"Hey Julie!" Joey hugged her friend.
"Hi Joey"Julie weakly said.
"you played great!" Joey said.
"Yeah. Oh my god! wanna meet my team?" Julie asked
"Sure" Joey shrugged.
Julie's face lit up as she grabbed Joey's hand and ran towards the group of hockey players.
"Guys! this is Josephine Riley but call her Joey!" Julie said.
"Howdy pretty lady, i'm Dwayne!" A boy in a cowboy hat greeted
"Why hello there" Joey smiled bright.
Everyone introduced themselves except one.
"Charlie." Julie said.
"I'm not really in the mood to talk to a Riley at the moment" Charlie huffed.
"Oh! your the one who has a problem with my brother!" Joey said.
"hell yeah i do! he's been terrorizing us since we got here and for you to act all friendly is not what i'm looking for after the biggest let down of my life!" Charlie got in Joey's face.
"Listen i'm sorry for what my brother has done to you and your team but i can assure you that i am NOTHING like my brother so i insist you back off, buddy" Joey pushed him away from her.
"Joey." She heard someone say.
She turned to see Tommy.
"You ok?" Tommy asked.
"fine" Joey said.
"Go with your brother, Riley" Charlie spat.
"Will do, Charles" Joey said as she walked towards tommy.
"Who are they?" Tommy asked.
"The JV team. one was giving me a hard time. did you know Rick was being a jerk to them?" Joey asked.
Tommy looked away.
"Tommy." Joey sternly spoke.
"Fine. yes, i knew. he hates them, Jo!" Tommy said.
"Well no shit!" Joey spat.

"Yeah and then Tommy showed up and i was like thank god because this is very annoying!" Joey explains to Jessie on the phone.
"That's crazy!" Jessie said.
"i know!! this year is not it so far. well...except for that boy i meant" Joey said.
"What boy?" Jessie asked.
Joey laughed, hearing the excitement in Jessie's voice.

"99 Banks. i meant him and he said my name was cute!" Joey said.

"And she said my name was cute!" Adam informed Luis.
"That is crazy my guy. welcome to the world of girls." Luis patted his back.
"Now you can find out what she's like in the-"
"Shut up!" Adam cut luis off.
"Sorry. look, obviously your into this girl. Joey is a very nice, funny, hot, intelligent young women" Luis said.

"And he sounds like exactly what you need right now!" Jessie said.
"I don't know, Jes. what if he doesn't like me? or even worse wants to take me out" Joey says.
"Wait i thought that's what we wanted?" Jessie questioned.

"Obviously not! she would totally say no!" Adam said.
"You can't accept rejection." Luis said.

"Simple as that. you need to trust yourself and me! This guy is obviously interest in you!" Jessie said.
"Ok, if he does ask me out i'll say yes and we'll go from there" Joey said.

"Sounds like a plan. good luck my friend." Luis patted Adam's back before leaving the room.
Adam was planning on getting to know Joey more before asking her out.

Joey was planning on seeing if Adam would ask her out and she'll say yes.

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