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Everything's slipping away
As if it had never been there
As if they were never a part of my life
Friends and family, crushes and cousins
Looks like everything's falling apart
Now I think, had it even existed?
All these facts and these rumours
Make me question myself
Did I even deserve?
What I had?

 I don't even have tears left to spill
Eyes have literally dried out
How am I supposed to vent out?
Shout? Break? Rip myself apart?
I know it must sound crazy
But I don't have any other option
Why do I expect so much?
Why don't I get it even after suffering?
Again and again and yet again?
That maybe I don't deserve it?

I can't even blame anyone this time
Cause there is no one who is at fault
Blame circumstances perhaps?
Maybe that's justified
But how do I tell it off?
How do I vent out on circumstances?
And even if I do,
What good will it do to me?
Would it ease the pain?
Would that correct everything?

Every moment, everyone....
They make me feel like an outcast
But I can't blame them either
Cause its not their fault
That they have personal lives too
I tried to ignore, I tried to shout
But none seems to work
Does that mean this pain is forever?
Even the thought runs a shiver through my spine
And leaves my soul apart

My nights are sleepless
My thoughts full of grief
Sometimes I feel I'm in the ocean
Stuck in the middle with no way out
And then comes a ray of hope
I cling to it and be happy
But soon even the ray dies out
Leaving me in worse state than before
Am I supposed to just accept everything?
Or try yet again, I really don't know

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