Five: The Holidays, Part One

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Christmas shopping: I love it and hate it. My parents used to give me a gift every year they were gone, from a bottle of sand in Bali (they had to smuggle it) to a box of maoams from England. Now, they gave a postcard and a check.

Apparently Dad took a job in South America so he's been able to earn more money. I wonder what though. They did answer my Skype calls, and they usually ended with my mom squealing like a school girl when Dad fell on her.

At least in exchange for their gifts, I got myself a new friend, Barry. He is nice, awkward. But I don't know. There's something missing about him that I have yet to find out.

Maybe I should get him something.

I look at the wine aisle. One merlot from 2010 stands next to a nice white wine, a moscato. I reach for a bottle and at the same time another lady does. She pulls back.

"Sorry," she mutters, blushing a complimenting pink.

"It's okay, take it. I'm getting one for a friend," I gag internally at the word friend, "and I think one's enough."

"No no, that's alright. My boss has an aversion to alcoholic beverages."

"Are you sure?"


I cautiously put the wine bottle down from the shelves. "Thanks. I'm Evie."

"Oh, you're the one Barry-" she grins, shaking her head. "I mean, I'm Caitlin."


I exit the mall and head to the garage. I hurry to my car, and I see a pale Caitlin standing in front of a burst of light. The light dies down and she walks quickly back to her car.

"Caitlin!" I call out, running to her. "Are you alright?"

"No, I.. I..." she stutters, "thought I saw the Burning Man."

"I did a report on a few conspiracy theories, but I didn't think-"

"No! I mean, I thought I did, but I didn't. I'm probably just...tired." She yawns and I clamp my mouth shut to keep from it spreading over to me.

I shrug. "Okay then. Are you sure you're okay?"

She snaps out of some deep thought and looks at me. "Yes. Yes, I'm okay."

"Okay then. Be safe." I walk back to my car.

After the Flash, I'm pretty sure I believe in the Burning Man now.


"Evelyn Beauchard! Your mother wants to talk to you!" Layla hollers.

"COMING!" I race downstairs and take the phone from her hand. "Hi, Mom."

"Gwynnie! How are you?" she purrs. My parents called me "Gwynnie" after my middle name.

"I'm fine."

"Well that's excellent, dearie. Your father and I are going to Skype you during Christmas to show the new house we have in Chile."

For some reason, I gain a lump in my throat. "A new house?"

"Yes, your father did take a job as a chef in a local restaurant. But it's a surprise. You should visit us! Brush up on your Spanish."

I haven't taken Spanish since I was in High School, and I don't plan on speaking it again. "So you're going to settle in Chile. Permanently."

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