Eighteen: Accidents

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Something in my head tells me not to tell anyone what I had seen. Maybe Mason, but then again I hate his guts so probably not him yet.

I almost forget to meet Barry back at STAR Labs this morning. I take the flashdrive and stow it in my purse on the way out.

"You'd have to be a Weather Wizard- ooh, I've been waiting since week one to use that one," Cisco smiles smugly then grunts when he sips his Slurpee.

"Trigeminal headache?" Caitlin inquires.


"Trigeminal headache-"

"Brainfreeze! I know that one!" I blurt out. "Sorry. Hi guys."

"Cait could have just called it a brainfreeze," he says brusquely.

"So I'm guessing you running around a twister in the opposite direction isn't gonna do the trick this time," Joe assumes. Barry shakes his head.

Cisco faces Joe. "I just remembered- during our run-in with Mardon, Clyde Mardon, I was tinkering to help attract unbound atmospheric electrons."

"Like a grounding mechanism?" Barry simplifies.

"Grounding mecha.. nope, I'm lost," I say.

"Yes, 'cause the only way that Mardon can control the weather is if he can tap into the atmosphere's natural, electrical circuit. And if we take away that circuit..." Cisco removes his straw and opens his arms wide, ".. clear skies."

"Singh's checking in now, I gotta go," Joe informs.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the station," Barry nods at him.

"Joe, we'll find Mardon," Wells assures him. "Don't worry." I can't even look at him.

"I'm not worried at all," Joe states simply, turning his back and leaving. 

"Well, he's taking being targeted by a revenge-seeking meta-human rather well, I must say," he says matter-of-factly. "Don't worry, Barry. Joe will be fine, I promise."

He wheels over to me and looks closely. I train my eyes at the com system rather than his actual face.
"Hi, Wells."

"Are you alright, Evie? You look a bit pale."

"Do I?" I say (a little bit sarcastically if I was being completely honest with myself).

"Yes. Did something happen?"

"No. I just think that... Barry needs to talk to you badly. Now. Go over to him," I urge.

He chuckles (I hate that word though) softly. "I guess so."

YOU LIAR! GET OFF YOUR DAMN WHEELCHAIR! I want to scream at him. He's manipulative, power-hungry, and a complete liar. I'm no longer afraid of him like I was a few minutes ago. I'm absolutely furious. "Well, I have to go clean up my house before Layla come back. I'll see you guys later."

Caitlin and Cisco wave back while Wells and Barry continue in their deep conversation.


"LAYLAAAAA!" I shriek.

"EVIEEE!" she screeches back and runs over to wrap me in a bear hug at the airport.

"Jesus Christ, Coulter, it's been forever!"

"A whole week and a half was torture! I hate how Larkin told me to stay there longer. I'm so mad. But now we can marathon movies all day long at home!"

"Um, yeah, about that. You see, Joe and Barry picked me up so we'd drop you off and I'd head over with them to the CCPD to investigate a new homicide."

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