Thirty: Tricksters

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Barry grabs my hand as the Trickster finishes his monologue.

I look over at Wells. He stares back, nodding his head slowly before turning back to the screen.

"Talking in the third person," Cisco mutters.

"That's never a good sign," I add.

"Cisco, you're just mad because he named himself," Caitlin replies coolly.

"Actually, he didn't," Joe corrects. He trains his eyes on the screen. "20 years ago Central City was hit by a series of terrorist attacks. One man killed at least ten civilians, two cops. That guy called himself The Trickster."

As they continue informing on the older Trickster, I turn to Barry. "I'm going to check on Bruce, see if he's okay."

"Don't worry," he says, but his eyes are somewhere else. Wells. He sets his jaw. "Caitlin took good care of him."

"Okay, maybe just another minute."

"Where is this Mr. Jesse now?"

"He's serving several life sentences at Iron Heights. He was just about the most dangerous thing Central City had ever seen," Joe answers.

"You mean until the Particle Accelerator blew up," Barry snaps. Wells opens his mouth to speak.

"Um..." Joe casts a look of urgency at me, "Barry and I will go see this James Jesse at Iron Heights, see if he can give us something that can help us catch his groupie."

I shrug helplessly.

"I'll analyze the video and see if I can figure out the source," Cisco says.

"Hey, Joe," Wells calls him over, "is Barry doing all right? He seems cranky."

Joe shrugs and frowns a little. "Even The Flash wakes up on the wrong side of the bed some mornings. He's fine."

"I'll catch up with you two, okay? I just need to see Bruce."

Barry nods. He and Joe leave the Lab.

Wells gives me a quizzical look to which I reply with a just wait look in return. I walk into the room next door.

Bruce groans but his eyes are still glued shut.

"Hey, man."

Then he opens one eye. "Hey, lil sis. Or should I... not call you that?"

"It's okay. I think it suits me," I tell him. I hold his hand while he breathes in and out heavily for a few seconds.

"Good. So are you and the forensic scientist okay?"

"I think so," I half smile.

He looks hopeful at my response and turns his head back to face the ceiling. "I'm glad. That Flash dude was a real hero."

"Yeah, he is."

Then his eyes widen and he looks around wildly. "Wait. This isn't a hospital."

"Bruce, calm down. I just have some friends at STAR Labs that-"

"Whoa! I swear right before I passed out you were full of purple and red on your arms and cheeks. How- what-"

"I can't explain everything right now. Just focus on getting better. Alright?"

"Kay.." he looks uncertain but once he closes his eyes he's out.

I slowly breathe out, relieved at dodging a bullet. I have to get to Iron Heights quickly before he can wake up again.

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