Nine: Karaoke Dates

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Layla hears me enter the house early. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know you're mad, but he was just dying to meet you again."

"Layla, are you kidding me? I don't like RILEY. AT ALL."

"But.. you were so happy about Colin too-"

"I don't like Riley, I don't like Colin. I just like Barry!" I slap my hands over my mouth.


She looks completely unfazed. "If you like him, then you need to date at least one more guy, to help you gain experience!"

"You're not my sister, and you're definitely not my mother!"

There's silence for the longest time, and I almost feel bad for saying it. Just kidding, no I don't.

She inhales sharply. "Yes. I'm not a sister, and I'm not a mother. But I am your best friend and my intentions are only for your happiness."

I let her hang her head in shame for just a second longer and sigh. "One date. One more."

She looks up, her eyes slightly puffy and red. "Seriously?"


"Yes! After this one, Barry won't stand a chance against you!"


She clears her throat and shrugs, taking my hand. "I'll set you up with a dating expert instead who can help actually train you. Dating guys won't do the trick, a temporary mentor can!"

I think I'm already regretting this.


I'm about to walk into Barry's lab to set up when downstairs I see Joe leaving the station.

A dozen questions form in my head, particularly about the kidnapping and bomb incident a few days ago. The elevator door closes right before I can reach it, so I take the stairs.

Joe walks a few blocks to STAR Labs (goddammit! I hate this much exercise!), punching in a few codes. A few minutes of waiting, and I repeat the same pattern. I pass through some rubble and ruin and follow Joe as quietly as possible. Why would he be at STAR Labs?

I enter the elevator and it takes me up to the bajillionth floor. When I'm there, I walk out undetected and Joe is already talking. I see Caitlin, Cisco, Dr.Wells, Barry and Joe staring at a large screen. The picture has too much science-y stuff for me to handle.

Barry and Joe turn around when we all least expect it. Barry clutches his heart and I jump. "Mother of-"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I got curious. I- what are all of you guys even doing here?"

"Uh... it's a case on a metahuman," Barry replies carefully.

I step forward. "And the Flash suit is here because..."

"We work for the Flash," Wells interjects. "None of us know his identity."

"Well then," I slowly take out my phone. "This would be one hell of a story, wouldn't it."

"Barry, no," Wells mutters.

"No no, Evie!" Cisco yells. "Please say nothing to the press."

"And why the hell wouldn't I?" I say, quickly snapping a picture. I can feel Wells staring at me intently, studying me, trying to make out what kind of person I am.

"The metahumans would attack STAR Labs, Miss Evie, and the Flash would have nowhere to meet up with us. We are his helpers, and he's not much without us, and vice versa," Wells informs, driving his wheelchair closer to me. "I don't think we formally introduced ourselves. I'm Doctor Wells. I run STAR Labs and I help train the Flash."

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