Chapter 4: - Manifestation III

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All of Ariel's tentacles were retracted and she was still on her knees. It looked like she didn't have much power left. Her skin had changed drastically, it changed from a normal humane skin to that of a cobra and had a rusting brown color. Her black hair covered her face and blood was spilled all around the floor near her body, one could hear patters of blood dripping on the floor. There was so much chaos a moment ago and now it was just so ... silent.

The other man was still unconscious but all of his bruises were healed and his tattoos were removed. Loui was controlling this man a few moments ago and now that he was free, he had been cleaned completely. When Loui died, the man was freed from everything.

A couple of minutes later...

Ariel's body suddenly became weird, many 'semi-liquid' things were coming out of her body pores. They were burning hot and one could see the vapors of the semi-liquid too. It was green in color. In the next moment something came shooting out of her body and she started bleeding continuously. Now the vapors covered everything in mist till nothing was visible. She was still bleeding and burning because of the mysterious liquid which came from her body itself.

"Oh! Looks like you're in pain!" a voice came reverbing from the corridors of the spaceship. He then stopped at a point; it was a humane figure with glowing green eyes but its body was not clearly visible. It'ss green eyes gazed through Ariel's soul and presented a proposal, "Give me your body and live but you'll lose control of your body. Do you accept?" Ariel was shocked at first but realized it was the Neokryte from Loui's body,


"An inferior species as yours aren't allowed to know" said the godly being

Ariel then thought, 'Attacking him was sure a foolish task but should I agree? Then what about the people I promised liberty? Will their lives be shunned again and be disconnected from reality again? Should I present my body? Both the paths will give me no benefit, then I will.'


"Even if you won't I'll take it!!"

The burning suddenly stopped and her wounds were being healed but in the next split second the Neokryte appeared in front of him. He took his fingers and forcefully inserted them inside Ariel's eyes and then extended his hand till her brain but the fingers fell short so he chanted some hymns and needles grew in his fingertips and a connection was established between him and Ariel. 'Ariel is now dead, being a slave can be considered being a corpse.' These were thoughts of the Neokryte as he slowly 'transcended' through her body

6 hours later

The man wakes up. He looks here and there and sees Loui's body. He screams nauseously and runs as if the devil was chasing him.

His screams wake Loui up, as soon as he wakes up, he was transported to a white room with white lilies and white hibiscus all around. He stands up on his legs and looks around. It was a vast room as far as his vision reached, he could see vast whiteness. As he turns around, he gets to know it was not completely a white room but also black. The black area appeared on the way with no transition it just appeared. It had the same characteristics as the white space but instead of white it was black lilies and black hibiscus. Loui seemed to be appreciating its 'monotonous beauty'.

In the black space far away, he could see a man in a white coat. The man looks back and smiles at Loui, he was wearing white specs and had green eyes identical to Loui's, his looks were fine and could be around 30. He waved at Loui and said, "What's up? Wanna have coffee?"

"Uh Ok, but where are we?"

"I'll tell you there's this table over there let's meet there"

Loui looked around for a few seconds and found a table it was in between the boundary of the black and white areas and the part of the table which was in the black side was black and the table in the white side was strictly white in color. It had a coffee jug and two cups one black and one white. The jug was strangely green in color it didn't fit in with the background at all.

Loui and the man walked towards the table. They greeted each other and shook hands. Loui suddenly saw a vision but it was so fast paced that he couldn't retain anything.

"Sit here young boy."

"Huh, Oh, yes."

They both sat at the chairs and the man served him coffee. The man said introducing himself, "So I am you but old. I existed years ago and I am just a faint memory now. Understood till here?"

"Ok, I guess."

"Great. So, my name is Adrian nice to meet you. I am the son of a Greek king and a French prostitute. So, my father is supposedly a king but I am unaware of his name ... so moving forward, as mom got to know this, she had much emotional trauma in her head. In no time the word spread through her family but to her surprise her family was overjoyed 'Their son was the son of a GREEK KING, it was no less than a blessing' On the day of my birth my family was having a rough time as the French emperor was a Greece hater, and when he knew someone in his kingdom was giving birth to the Greek King's son. It filled him with rage and terror he sent all of his secret troops to look for her and ordered to kill my family on sight. Just when I was about to be removed from my mother's womb the troops came running and started killing everyone present. My relatives tried to cover mother but it was in vain. Everybody had died and a soldier came forward took out his sword and killed my mom ruthlessly and tore her into pieces I didn't survive too.

"But how are you even alive and how does the Drakos lineage exist?!"

"Do you really wanna know?"

"Yes, just ... how did this happen?"

"Ok then, the secret lies in..."

The next issue on 15 August

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