Chapter 5: - A New Life

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( Note:- If you're reading this from then leave it immediately it hasn't took permission to copy my work it's pirating read it originally on Wattpad )

"The soldier carried our corpses and put us on jute sacks and left. They took us to a cliff named Cap Canaille and threw our bodies in the sea. But thankfully I was rescued by some fishermen whose net was stuck with my body, he saved me and kept me as his son.

My left hand was cut when the soldier was killing my mother, but they found me without any signs of being hurt. I forgot about this and believed him to be my father and his wife, my mother.

From then I lived a normal happy life. Until one day, I enrolled as a cadet and coming from a backward class, I couldn't enrol without a proper blood test that day I could see signs of worry on my parent's face, I knew something was up. That day my blood was tested and it was the same blood as the Greek King's Family the French's blood enemy.

I was presented in front of the French King the very same day; he ordered my execution but not a normal one he decided to burn me then make me drown in the sewage but showing some unwanted kindness, he decided that he would let me go but our soldiers will hunt you, if you go past France then you're safe.

I ran as fast as I can as the soldiers ould've disperse after an hour. After running continuously for 1 hour, I stopped to rest and drinking some water, thankfully I could hear water from my left. I went towards the sound of water and I was so dehydrated at that time that I thought that I would die from the sunlight rather from the French soldiers. I finally reached the river, when I had just reached the river, I saw a black figure falling in river from the sky, I thought it was my eyes playing a trick with me as I could barely open my eyes.

I drank some water and looked inside the river to confirm if what I saw was true as I was looking inside the river the soldiers had found me and arrow went through my body. My breathing stopped and in the next few seconds my heart was going to stop. I fell into the river and as I was falling someone covered my eyes with their fingers and put their hand around my abdomen and gently whispered through my ears some words which I couldn't understand and dragged me towards the riverbed. I couldn't recall what happened after that but I believed him to be a messenger of sent to save me.

The next time I woke up, the world had completely changed, I was in a hospital bed when I asked, I got to know that I in Greece, I was in a coma for 3 years and the people at that time believed it to be a curse and they believed my curse was uplifted.

I then decided to live there, I worked in a political party and within the next 7 years we overthrew the government and started constitution as started by The French, but that is where my plan started, I killed every one of the leaders and crowned myself as the supreme leader. Yes, I was working for them but that was only so that I could take revenge on the French Nation.

I then declared an all-out war on The French Country, the French were no match for us and their leadership wasn't a good one, over the course of 8 months we defeated France and took everyone captive and made them slaves and no less than animals we cou-."

"Wait that is just not right like why do that to everyone it was just the king do you even have an idea of what they would been going through"

"Loui, Sit."

"But I-."

"I said listen, Loui!!"

Loui sat down filled with disgust and shame to have such an ancestor. Adrian continued, "This marked the rise of the Drakos Lineage, I then married a girl who came out from a temple overnight she was a girl sent by the god for me to marry."

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